Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Wedding....

Saturday 13, 2014 was a beautiful day. We had decided to go to a wedding reception in Bentong. The invitation was from 11.30am to 4pm; so we decides to leave the house at 12 noon. I drove the Honda taking the MRR2 and soon found that the traffic was heavy. It was normal to see heavy traffic on Saturday but today it was exceptional; perhaps because of the long holiday at the weekend. I took it easy and drove the Honda and found the traffic was really heavy up to Bentong. Usually it would take us just forty five minutes to get to Bentong but today it takes us almost two hours. We drove on and eventually got to the venue of the wedding reception. There we soon meet many friends and relatives who had arrived earlier. It was really nice to get to meet many of them in one place. That is one reason why it is always good to go to a relatives wedding reception. It soon turns out to be a gathering of relatives and it was fun. Above is an image of my spouse meeting her relatives in the bride's parent’s house. It was such a wonderful moment in time. 

Have a nice day.


  1. The traffic is unpredictable these days, Pak Idrus. sometimes we thought it mught be heavy, but actually it will be all clear and vice versa.

    I love attending wedding for relatives too, but sometimes due to the tight schedule we always have no luxury to stay longer.

  2. Aziela, Thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Yes it is really nice to get to relatives's wedding since it is only at such occasion that we could meet other relatives or mutual friend which would otherwise not be possible. It indeed fun to get reconnected again.

    Have a nice day.
