Sunday, August 17, 2014


Woke up to a beautiful day in August and it was my seventy fifth birthday. As usual I am happy welcoming the day; the image below shows part the family a few days later with the Birthday cake.

Have a nice day folks.


  1. Happy belated Birthday Pak Idrus.

  2. Thomas Lee, thanks for the visit and the birthday greeting. Much appreciated.

    Have a nice day.

  3. Hi Pak Idrus, I just stumbled upon your blog while searching on Teluk Cempedak. Was wondering whether it would be worth going for the long weekend.

    Anyway, happy belated birthday! It the typewriter in the photo yours? Very old school.

  4. semoga panjang umur, pak idrus :)

  5. Joanne Loke, thanks for the visit I am glad that you got to my Blog. It my way of sharing my thoughts with the world. As for Teluk Cempedak it is a nice place to visit and if you are planning for a long weekend holiday it would be wise to visit the other places nearby like Balok and Cherating and Sungei Lembing. There is a Batik village in Balok whereas Cherating is a good get away place of a sort. It would be a good idea to stay a Cherating as well and watch the evening activity in its vicinity. It a popular place among foreign tourist. As for Sungei Lembing, it is the oldest tin mine in the country. Now the whole place has been turn into a tourist destination and worth a visit.

    Thanks for the Birthday wish. As for the typewriter, this one is not mine. I do have an old typewriter like that for keeping.

    Have a nice day.

  6. Adila Hassan, thanks for the visit and the birthday greeting.

    Have a nice day.
