Monday, June 02, 2014

Sunrise in Cameron Highlands...

It not always that one get the opportunity to photograph such a glorious scene of the rising sun. Once I woke up early in Kuantan and went to the Telok Cempedak beach to watch the rising sun but because of the overcast clouds that early morning the sun rise without much fanfare. I just snap a few shots and enjoy the morning air and blog about it. [The above image was taken at 7.03am May 22, 2014 in Cameron Highlands]

                                                                 [at 6.35am]
We were in Cameron Highland from 21st to 23rd May, 2014 on a short holiday. While there I did not expect or even thought of watching the rising sun. I did not even know that our room on the 11th floor of the hotel was facing east but luck was on our side and we were indeed surprise of waking to the view of the rising sun from the window of the hotel. 

[at 6.45am]
[at 7.02am]
                                                            [at 7.07am]
I had brought my camera and all the lens and was happy that I got the opportunity to take the images  of the sun rising from such a vantage point at the 11th floor of the hotel. I was awakened by my spouse who saw the light over the horizon. I had a look and sure enough it was the rising sun at the horizon of the mountain range. I quickly wash myself and took my camera and wait. Soon the sun makes it appearance. It did in a spectacular display of light; majestic indeed. I had a field day snapping as many images as possible and am share it here a few shots for all to enjoy. 

All the above images was taken on the morning of May 22, 2014.

Have a nice day.


  1. Great images! especially the last one..

  2. Khamsi Abdullah, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject on this posting. I am glad that you enjoyed those images I took.

    As you know in photography none of us really know of the outcome until we snap that image. In the case of the last image in this posting even I did not expect to see those round circles around the sun. I was happy that the camera captured that extra light, thus the image you see.

    Have a nice day.l
