Monday, May 05, 2014

The Mat made by the Indigenous people of Malaysia....

Good Morning folks; this is my first posting in May 2014. The weather is good and we are now back with our regular supply of water. As I had mentioned in this Blog before we have been on water rationing for the last two month. It starts in March and continues during the whole month of April. It was lifted on May 1, 2014. So do give due respect to water for without water there can be no life on planet earth. Anyway today I am posting an image of the works of art of the OA [Orang Asal] or the Indigenous people of Malaysia. These people who live in the jungle are good in their works of art. The Mengkuang Mat is one of the many works of art that they produce from time to time. I would always buy it when I see a good one and keep it as my collections; as well use it as an item of decoration in the house. Placing the mat on a floor does enhance the space. By buying their products we not only get to keep a good piece of their art; we are in a small way helping them to get an extra income to supplement their living.  Above is a Mat that I had bought recently. Enjoy it folks. 

Have a nice day.


  1. Assalamualaikum
    It's been long since your last post.
    Dila harap Pak Idrus sihat2 saja :)
    Semoga Allah merahmatimu...

  2. Adila Hassan, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts. Well I still love to blog and share my thoughts.

    Have a nice day and take care.
