Sunday, April 13, 2014

Just Rambling...

It has been an eventful months; first the news of the plane missing. Well it happened and I did not want to get deeply involved with it. Then the starting of water rationing where we get water supply only every two days. I have written about this and happy that the authority are doing their best to get the water supply going on as usual when the water at the reservoir is back to normal. It has start raining since the last one week and it is cool here in Ampang Jaya this morning. With the daily rain I do hope we would get our regular water supply and life would be much easier. Then I got new that a Blogger friend of mine who blog here had just passed away. Read this write-up about the late Bernard Khoo in the Blog Shanghai Fish. It is sad indeed but then that is the way it is with every living species on this planet. When the time comes we go, just like when we first arrived on the beautiful planet call earth. The say when we arrived we cry and that when we go others cry; how true! He was sort of a fighter for democracy and justice using the social media Blog as his mean. Well folks life is like that and his fight would surely be taken over by the young. There would be no end in the fight for equality among man for that is the nature of our world. Well folks that is life and living.

On the left is an image at the Serambi [patio] near my little garden; it the colour, the aroma and the little items of art that does enlighten our lives. So let move on and enjoy life. 

Have a nice day.


  1. Indeed we must move on while the faculty is still in good stead.

    Good luck to you both at home.

  2. Al-Manar, Pokcik Hassan thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts here.

    Yes indeed Sir we should move on and enjoy life.

    Have a nice day.
