Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ex KKBS officers lunch get-together....

Well I thought that I would write about the happening last Saturday, November 9, 2013. It was a lunch gathering of retired folks who was working in the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports [in BM it is known as Kementerian Kebudayaa, Belia dan Sukan thus KKBS] from the early day of its establishment in 1967. The lunch was held at a Wisma building in the heart of the city. I got an invitation through SMS and decided to attend it and was hoping to meet all those who had retired like me.

On arrival that day at first I could not recognised most of the people. Remember I went on optional retirement in 1990 and since that time except for a few I was totally out of touch with the officers and staff of the KKBS. It takes a while before I could recollect putting the names to the faces. A few I still could not remember until on the way back while talking with my spouse. My spouse Asmah's memory is better than me and with her help soon most faces became familiar. You have to excuse an old man for that. We did have a great time that day except there are a few who still want to stick to title and protocol which I hate most, otherwise the lunch meeting was a success. To me we all had retired, title and protocol should be left behind. I told everyone I am on Facebook and was hoping that more are or would be on it as we move along. Back home I posted on Facebook the photos that I had taken and soon I was contacted by a few who are on Facebook. It was indeed great to see more and more folks are now in the Social Media like Facebook  With that we may continue to keep in touch from time to time.

I was rather surprise as to the venue of this lunch. It was held in a space that looks like it has not been completed as a proper hall, with the upper part where the ceiling should be look like an unfinished job. Its air condition ventilation protruding out without a proper ceiling and it look so untidy and ugly. To me it is not a place one should organised a lunch.  I thought it would be better to do the gathering at a cosier place like at a Three to Five-stars Hotel in town. What is wrong of pampering ourselves with the luxury that all of us could afford and enjoy the gathering in an atmosphere of cosiness and luxury like at all the halls in such hotels? Organising in such place is easier. Just tell folks to come to a Buffet or High Tea at the Hotel at a given date and time. There is no need to book the foods; just be there and enjoy whatever spread at the Buffet or High Tea together. Anyone can bring guests but they must pay for it. And no protocol after all we are now ordinary folks who have retired. I felt too there is no need to give goodies from some company as well gift from the organiser to the attendance. The main aim of the get together is to meet old friends and chat of old times. It would be great if the party start with a cocktail so that folks can mingle and meet before sitting for the lunch. Do away with the speeches for we had enough of it when we were working.

On that day the dishes was cold and because many did not attend I was told there was plenty of foods that was not consumed and most probably go to waste. The organiser had order more foods in anticipation of a large gathering. Because the arrangement was that folks pay per head for the attendance; the non-attendance created problem in getting the bill settled. Anyway with the good hearts of those who attended it was solved by everyone donating extra Ringgits. Had it been done in a Hotel [Buffet or High Tea] such a thing would not have happened and the inconvenience avoided.

Anyway Asmah and I did enjoy the gathering and glad to see all the friends are happy and full of life. I do hope that in future it would be held at a better venue and not to worry about the cost. I believe every one of us who are in the golden years could afford to foot the bill without difficulty. After all it is time that we pampered ourselves with the luxury and continues to enjoy life.

Thanks to the organiser for getting the lunch organised.

Have a nice day.

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