Thursday, October 10, 2013

Of Gratitude...

I work in the Borneo state of Sarawak from early 1986 to mid-1989. It became the best part of my 32 years career in the government. I enjoy working there and make many friends. Most like me have retired and a few live in and around Kuala lumpur. One such friend has a condo in Ulu Kelang, not that far away from where we live. He would call or visit us whenever they are in Kuala Lumpur. He passed away a few years ago of cancer. And because I live in Ampang, Selangor I could not made it to the funeral but did send a condolence through SMS to the decease's spouse.  A year later his spouse visited us in our house and related us this story.  I thought it is time to tell this story of humanity......At the hospital while waiting for the funeral arrangement be made a Chinaman wearing just a short came and hand over to the grieving widow a plastic bag. She did not know the man. Thanking him she put the bag away. Later on when she got home after the funeral she took the bag and look at the bundle wrap in old newspaper inside the bag. She was curious and unwrap it and found lots of money. She did not know what to do with it but remember what that man said. Dia orang baik... [He is a good person...]....  Until now she could not trace that Chinaman. This is a true story told by the lady to my spouse and I. We know the couple well and always found the decease a humble person indeed. Well folks if you have a good heart and had help folks without asking for anything back, you are always remembered even after you are dead. The Chinese word of wisdom “When you drink from a cup do not forget that the water came from a stream somewhere.” Yes true indeed.

Have a nice day.


  1. Pak Idrus,

    Thanks for sharing such a touching story. I once helped a person before he passed away after a few minutes.
    This is my article about this incident.

  2. Thanks for sharing and reminding us!

  3. Justin Choo, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting. Thanks too for sharing your blog posting of 'Giving' I have always believe that we should always give, no matter what and never ever ask anything in return. The feel good in giving is enough. In this care the happening crosses race or religious barrier. The decease is a Sarawakian Malay and indeed an honourable man.

    Have a nice day.

  4. Elaine, thanks for the visit and the good works on the subject of this posting.

    I am indeed glad that you are happy with the happening and learn a thing or two from it. I have always believe that we should always give whatever and never expect anything in return. The feel good factor in giving should make us happy.

    Have a nice day.

  5. What a touching and thought-provoking story, Pak Idrus. Often we don't really know the extent of the good someone has done until their death. I wish more people expressed their appreciation to people who had helped them while they are still living. The world is full of good people. It's just that the bad people get more attention. The news will report of the one child who was abducted while walking home from the shops, not the tens of thousands of children who walk to the shops and come home safely daily.

  6. ~CovertOperations78~, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting. Thanks as well for sharing your thoughts on the good and bad in the society but that is our world. If a dog bite a man it is not a news but see what happens if a man bite a dog. It may be world news. Our specie is still evolving and I do hope we eventually could get rid of the bad gene in the DNA of our specie.

    Have a nice day.
