Saturday, December 22, 2012

My Saturday Photography - The Dinning-table...

Just sharing my photography of the day. Enjoy it folks as much as  I had enjoyed taking it. 

Have a nice day.


  1. Just red serviettes and green apples. Wonder what's not being photographed.Otherwise someone is on a sliiming diet!

  2. Didn't know you like photography too? We have much in common. Isn't that great?

  3. Didn't know you're into photography. We have something in common. Great to have bumped into you.

  4. Al-Manar, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well that image is suppose to tell a story and it is up to the enquiring mind of the individual to translate it into a story that one's mind could realized when seen that image. Photography is different than the real life. In real life one may see it in a glance and would not even notice the micro aspect of that photography but in a photograph one could continue to gaze it at any times and see what one want to see and enjoy it.

    Have a nice day.

  5. Eddie. Thanks for the visit and I am glad to know that you too love photography. Other than writing my other passion is photography which I use in my blog. It makes it easier to tell a story when the article is accompany with an image. Thus you see images in my blog posting.

    I am still a learner in the art of photography and learn as I move forward with every photo I take. Hope that we could meet one of these days to exchange ideas and information of good photography.

    Have a nice day.
