Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sharing my thoughts....

Last Monday I received an email from a stranger; a foreign student from a local college who is in the process of collecting material for his Master's thesis. He request for a meeting and without wasting time I wrote back saying that I am willing to meet him any time since I am always free. Been a retiree time is always on my side thus I am always happy to give a helping hand to those in need especially to student. I give him my cell phone number and he call saying that he was happy with my respond and ask me when we could meet. I told him that I am free and we could meet any day. He request that if it is possible we meet on Wednesday. I told him it is all right with me and that we could meet at the Coffee Club at the Kinokuniya book store at KLCC [Petronas Twin Towers]; a favourite place of mine. We eventually agreed to meet on Wednesday at ten thirty in the morning. 

So just before ten in that beautiful Wednesday morning I drove the Honda to the parking lot of the KLCC and then went to have a drink and a snack before the meeting for I somehow knew that it's going to be a long session. While having my drink at the RASA food court I got an SMS from him saying that he is on the way and told me just to take it easy. I replied saying the same and continue with my morning snack and drink. After that I went for a walk to the book store nearby and browse along the many books. As I was mesmerized with the collections of new books there I got another SMS saying that he is already at the Coffee Club. So without much ado I proceed to the club and there for the first time met this young man, greeting me with a smile. We then move to find a table to sit and chat along; stranger no more. 

I love the Coffee Club at Kino because it is cosy and not that busy. WiFi is always available making surfing the Net easy. I always carry along my net-book so the WiFi make it easier to surf the Net and keep in touch with friends on Facebook. We then ordered some refreshment and continue to chat. There was so much to talk about and I share my thoughts freely on subjects that he wanted to know. He begins by showing me his university Identity-card and said that he is from Bandung, Indonesia. He did his first degree in Sydney Australia and now doing his Master program at the Taylor's college here in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. He wanted to do a thesis on the role of senior citizen in the society. That is why he had me in mind. He has read my blog and found that it contain wealth of information there and intrigue with the caption on the wall of my blog "I believe that strangers are friends that we have yet to meet”. Inspired by that he decided to meet me in person. So the meeting today is for him to gather more materials which would be the basis of his thesis. He told me that he has been living in Malaysia for some years already, working as well studying at the Taylor College. That young man is Sofyan Amin from the generation of my kids. There was so much to talk about and I share my thoughts freely on subjects that he wanted to know. As usual in a situation like this time passes by fast indeed and soon it was lunch time. I am getting hungry and I believe he is too. So we ordered some foods and continue to talk as we enjoy our meals. We end the meeting just after two in the afternoon with a promise to meet again. I did enjoy that meeting of the minds.

At this age I felt what better thing to do than to share my thoughts with the society. Thus I blog or give talk whenever I am invited to do so or to take part in discussion on Facebook or share it as in this meeting with this young student. In a way it is my way of giving back to the society. With a hope that in a small way it would benefit the society; making this world of ours a better place to live and enjoy life.

Have a nice day.


  1. The student has been living here for some years working as well as studying. That part makes me wonder. From time to time many young girls are reported to be caught working as whatever you call it. We are indeed a free country. There is always a way to get things done legally or otherwise if you know how!

  2. Al-Manar, Thanks for the visit and sharing a good point on the subject of this posting.

    Yes while he is studying for his Master Degree at Taylor's College here he also work part-time at the college. I think that it is a wise thing to do. With the first degree he obtained in Australia he would gain piratical experience when he work in the hospitality section of the college. And that knowledge would prove useful to him in gaining his Master in Tourism and Hospitality.

    Have a nice day.
