Tuesday, December 06, 2011

The Senduduk buds....

Senduduk is a wild flowers that grows well on the roadsides and in between rubber trees in Rubber Plantations. As a child we would eat the berries and get our mouth all colored purple. Growing up in the forties and the fifties kids make their own toys and one of it is the bamboo gun. The buds of the Senduduk as seen above are use as bullets for the gun.  The above image was taken with a Micro Lens. Enjoy it folks.

Have a nice day.


  1. salam pak idrus,

    pokok senduduk ni masa kecik-kecik mak saya selalu sebut ..Anyway , a very nice macro shot ...cantik gambar ni


  2. Salam Pak Idrus or rather Tuan Haji Idrus. I feel very uneasy to address you as Pak Idrus cos you are my former boss in JBS WPKL in the 80s. Actually I have been following your blog for quite sometimes. Buah senduduk is one of my favourite during my young days besides buah Letup-Letup & buah Kemunting which are so rare in kampung areas nowadays.I really don't know that the buah senduduk can be used as bullets with bamboo gun or bedil buluh cos during our days backed in the 60s we used buah cenderai. Anyway,I am glad to have written something here after being so malu-malu for years. Mudah2an Tuan Haji akan terus diberikan kesihatan yang terbaik serta limpahan rahmat dari Allah swt.

  3. Assalamualaikum PAK IDRUS
    A lovely shot!
    I like senduduk flowers a lot. I have 2 white senduduk trees in my compound now that attract a lot of bees. But I think these bees love the pink flowers more.

  4. JALAN REBUNG, Rizal thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well the Senduduk have always been associated with the growing up period of my generation. It is a wild flower that grow on its own but kids love it for its fruits.

    Thanks too for the good words on my Macro Photography. I am continuing to learn all the times the way of getting the best shots.

    Have a nice day.

  5. srisemantan, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Well at this age and with grand kids around I am happy to be address as Atok and in cyberspace as Pak Idrus.

    I cannot recollect you so do please write to me using my email address which is at my blog. I am glad to get to meet you again and perhaps go for Lunch or a TT if you happens to live in the Kelang Valley. Anyway I travel often and if you live somewhere else we could meet too. So do write to me so that we could get connected again.

    As for this Senduduk, this plant have always been part of our generation growing up period except for those whose growing up period was in the town. An example is Salehan Suru when I told him about this plant, he seem not to know at all. Later I found that he was brought up in Kampong Bahru KL.

    Hope that we do get to meet. Have a nice day.

  6. Temuk, Thanks for the visit and sharing your valuable thoughts on the Senduduk. Well I have the white verities in my little garden and it did flowers well in the pot.

    Thanks too for the good words on my Macro Photography. I am still learning the way of good photography and would gladly share my experience with others, so that others may enjoy it too.

    There are so much of nature that we would have missed had it not been for photography. In Macro Photography we get to see of the wonder of nature at closeup.

    Have a nice day.
