Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Traditional Kueh [cake] call Som Som...

When I was growing up in the Kampong folks would sell this simple Kueh that is made of rice flour. It is taken with coconut sugar syrup. It is a simple cake but delicious for dessert or for teatime. Nowadays folks do not make it often thus one could not easily get it. Yesterday Grandma with the help of our second granddaughter decided to make it. And it turns out so good that the grand kids ask for more. So today Grandma helped by our eldest granddaughter decided to do it again. It was really great to get to taste this traditional Kueh that is so simple to make, yet taste so good. I did enjoy it as a dessert after the Iftar yesterday and today.

Have a nice day.


  1. That looks delicious, like creme caramel, Pak Idrus! I must learn to make all these traditional kueh before there is no one left to pass on the skills to me!

  2. We call it 'som-som'. The other day, my daughter-in-law made it for buka puasa. Really lovely, cukup lemak santannya, dan cukup manis-manis kuah gula kabungnya.
