Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just another day...

It was just before ten in the morning. The weather looks gloomy. It must be the haze that has blanketed the sky. It looks like it going to rain. Anyway I sat at the Kopitiam table and let my mind wonder endlessly careless of the surrounding. Suddenly I saw that elusive squirrel came over to enjoy it meals of cut apples that I had left on a plate above the wooden fence. I always put cut apples or other fruits for its meals. This time it just starts eating the apple on the wooden fence, not that afraid of me anymore. It getting tamer by days and I hope eventually I could feed it from my hand. In the past whenever it hear a sound it would run away but of late it became braver and just stayed and enjoy its meals. I sat there a watch it. Nice.

Suddenly it rain. I saw a worker taking a shade under the tree in front of my house. He is going to get wet I thought. So I open the gate of my garage and invite him in to take shelter from the pouring rain. He came in and says thanks and we just chat along. Eventually his friend came and he left thanking me for allowing him to shelter from the rain. Well I am happy to be able to do the little things like that. I was just being human. And then the fish hawker came by with the fish that I had ordered the previous day. I had a small chat with him and then took the fish to the kitchen for cleaning before putting it in the freezer. I then sat at my table and typing this as I think along. Well, folks that is the happening, part of my day.

Above is the image of the Kenanga flowers in front of my house. Have a nice day.


  1. I see it is over to flowers and photography now, obviously your fvourite. It was so noticeable when you were at my house, showing interest in flowers and having your camera kit every where you moved.

    I suppose you will not be travelling much during the month of Ramadhan

  2. Ah! The fragrant kenanga flower -- Cananga odorata! Just love it!
    It was very kind and thoughtful of you to offer shade to the worker. My parents also offer packet drinks to the council workers employed to cut grass and clean the drains in the neighbourhood.

  3. Al-Manar, Thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Well, I love flowers. It is the keeper of our joy.

    As for the Ramadan it would be a All the family affair at our home and not traveling.

    Have a nice day.

  4. ~Covert_Operations'78~, Ee lynn thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    I love that Kenanga tree and it never stop blooming. It does give out that smooth fragrant all day long.

    Well, those workers are just like us and they are doing the jobs to upkeep our place and to me they are my friend too. It made me happy to give a little help and I believe they are happy too.

    Have a nice day.
