Monday, June 20, 2011

Strangers No More...

What a wonderful world! We made friends in cyberspace and then over times we would meet in the real world. On a recent trip to the east coast we met these wonderful folks whom I had only known in cyberspace. It was indeed a meeting of joy and a day to remember. A story of friendships from cyberspace to the real world and now strangers no more.

Meeting for the first time with Blogger Pokcik Hassan of Almanar and his spouse Salmah.  We had coffee after dinner at the Primula Hotel, Kuala Terengganu on the evening of May 27 2011.The next day we were invited to tea at  their beautiful country home at Batu Rakit.

Meeting for the first time with Blogger/Facebook friends Alias Muda at the Felda Residence Hotel Kuala Terengganu on the morning of May 28, 2011 over breakfast at the hotel. Have been in communication with Alias through his blog and later on in Facebook for some years.

Met Blogger/Facebook friend Martin Lee for the first time in Kemaman on our way to Kuantan on May 29, 2011. Call him over the cellphone from the car. He was happy on the phone to meet and decided to take us for a brunch in Kemaman. When we arrived in Kemaman he was already there waiting for us in front of the Kopitiam.

With Aning Awang a Facebook friend during breakfast at the Vistana Hotel Kuantan on the morning of May 30, 2011. I invited him to join us for breakfast. He call saying that he could not made it early but eventually  arrived with a big smile. It was indeed a great first time meeting of folks in their golden age.

Folks, it was a meeting of friendships made in cyberspace and meeting for the first time in the real world. What a wonderful we live in.

Have a nice day.


  1. Pak Idrus,
    How lucky we are to have friends all over the country. It is only a matter of whether we want to meet or not. New friends can be a breath of fresh air too.

  2. My day will come too, GOD willing.

  3. It is my great honor to meet you and your wife in person Pak Idrus!

    Do drop by Cukai whenever you pass by this part of the country.

  4. Pak Idrus
    And when you invited me for breakfast, I wouldn't miss it for anything.I'd been wanting to meet you in person as long as I can remember.Its was indeed a most cheering moment. I remember meeting kak Asmah before. Thank you Sir. You make my day. Take care.

  5. It is always a joy to meet friends for the first time. You must have had a swell time. May God bless you all.

  6. Heard about your meeting in Batu Rakit from Pokcik - teleconversation :)

  7. Then we know who is older in look and age! I won in one and lost in the other - a draw, unless we put different weightings.

  8. Pak Zawi, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting 'Friendship'. Yes it is alway good to meet someone whom you had know in cyberspace and yet to meet for real. Indeed a refreshing event and an enjoyable moment in time.

    Have a nice day.

  9. Ummie, thanks for the visit and your thought.

    Well time would tell. It would be nice to meet all those blogger and other cyber-pal.

    Have a nice day.

  10. Martin Lee, thanks for the visit and the good words on the subject of this posting.

    I am indeed glad that you took the time to meet us despite the last minutes notice. Much appreciated.

    As you saw we were really happy to have met you that day. Sure the next time I am around there I would surely meet you.

    Have a nice day.

  11. changgeh, Alias thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Thanks as well for the good words. Much appreciated.

    Well Like you I was hopping to get to meet you for real after knowing you for so long in cyberspace. It was really nice of you to have come over and meet us at such a short notice. The next time you are in KL do call and we would meet again.

    Have a nice day.

  12. MANDALAY, Azimah thanks for the visit and the good words on the subject of this posting.

    Like meeting you and your other half last year, it was indeed a joyous moment as well a day to remember. Yes indeed we did had a swell time.

    Have a nice day.

  13. Wan Sharif, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well hope that we would meet soon since we both live so close apart.

    Have a nice day.

  14. Al-Manar, thanks for the visit and that philosophical thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Agreed you look so young for your age especially for those who live near the sea.

    Thanks so much for inviting us to your lovely home, thanks too to your charming spouse Salmah.

    Have a nice day.

  15. What a delight and honour it must be for you and your blogger friends to finally meet each other in real life, Pak Idrus! I have always averred that we find out the people that we are from the way people around us treat us. And the fact that everyone is so keen to meet up with you and Makcik, to have a meal with you, to invite you to stay with them, to meet up again -- that speaks volumes, Pak Idrus. I am honoured to be your friend too.

  16. ~Covert_Operations'78~, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Thanks too for the good words.

    Well I always treasured my friendship that I made which includes those that I made in cyberspace. When we communicate in cyberspace we often get to know more about a person, perhaps as a spiritual being we get the feeling too via another plane that we have yet to understand, thus when we actually met in person, it was as though we have been friend long before.

    In friendship sincerity is very important and one way of doing that is to show one's personal image in FB or Blog so that when we communicate we could visualized the person whom we talk/write to.

    The meeting both Asmah and I had with those folks as describe in this posting was a beautiful moment in time and both of us enjoyed it and I believe my blogger/Facebook friend felt that way too. It was indeed a great moment that we would cherish all our lives and that Ee Lynn includes you too.

    Have a nice day.
