Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Moon over Beserah...

Last Friday evening we decided to take a drive to Beserah, a small fishing village north of Kuantan town. Since my nephew was driving the Honda I had the opportunity to enjoy that short trip down memory lane and watch the familiar scenes of my childhood passes by. In those days of my childhood we would cycle from Kuantan town to Beserah going up and down the narrow winding road through virgin forest. Going up the hill was a bit difficult but we do manage to enjoy the ride up the hill. Then get a free ride downhill up to the small town of Beserah which at that time was just a fishing village. We would then ride further and at time camp on the beach and take a dip in the sea. 

On this trip I just took it easy and eventually we found a restaurant beside the sea to have dinner. We were early and had the choice of the best table. We got the table nearest the seafront and watch the wave bashing the beach. Looking at the waves of the China Sea at that moment in time my mind took me to the happening in Japan where the Tsunami has created much damage and lost of lives to the Japanese. This coastal area was not affected by that tsunami although the sea is connected, since the tsunami ripple effect was block by the islands of the Philippines. Had it not been so the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia would be affect by that tsunami.

As I sat waiting for the food to be served I saw the moon over the horizon leaving a  reflection  on the surface of the open sea, glittering like diamonds. The sea always refreshes me and I felt really good that evening. I took my camera and snap some of the scenic scenes  of  the evening  including that of the moon hovering above over  the open sea and sharing it here for all to see and enjoy. 

Have a nice day. [Please click on image to enlarge]


  1. Wow.. you sure have a good time in Baserah.. sharing your childhood memories with your loved one... Relating it to current tsunami suffering in Japan might dampen the effect but the will increase the Thankfulness amongst us .. for the wellbeing of being Malaysian..

  2. Wan Sharif, thanks for the visit and sharing your thought on the subject of this posing.

    I had a wonderful childhood growing up in Kuantan in the forties and I still could remember vividly those moment in time where we went on an adventure to the outskirt of the town like Baserah. In those days there was not that many cars so cycling was safer than now.

    Well, the tsunami should remind us that Malaysia is a wonderful place to live and enjoy life devoid of natural disasters like earth quack and tsunami. At the same time we should learn to appreciate what we have got and treasured it.

    Have a nice day.

  3. Hope next visit you will take a walk to Ipoh. Ipoh is having Heritage Trail on every Saturday morning : )

  4. Those are some gorgeous and calming photos, Pak Idrus. Here I am, at my desk in the office, with traffic and buildings all around me... I click to enlarge your photos and a blanket of calm and contentment drifts and falls over me gently.... THANK YOU.

  5. concubine_lane, Thanks for the visit and the suggestion to visit Ipoh. Oh yes I would love to and now with you as a friend there the visit would surely be more interesting.

    Have a nice day.

  6. ~Covert_Operations'78~, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and the good words on those photographs. I am indeed happy that it does enlighten you day watching those images.

    That is why it is important to have good photos hanging on the wall of offices. It does create a therapy of sort.

    Have a nice day.

  7. My family likes going to Beserah for satay when we are in Kuantan. The beaches are great!

  8. Madame A, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on Beserah.

    When I was a kid in the forties we would hike to the Beserah beach on weekend and camp and enjoy swimming at Batu Hitam. I do hope they would continue to keep that place clean.

    Take care.
