Tuesday, March 08, 2011

An egg with three yolks...

The other morning while preparing for my normal breakfast of soft-boiled eggs I break an egg into a bowl before cooking it in the Microwave oven. I would normally break two eggs one a time and then look into the bowl to see whether the egg is really fresh before breaking another egg. When I found it OK I would then break another one but this time when I look into the bowl, to my surprise I saw there was three egg yolks in the bowl and it came from just one egg. I had not seen these numbers of egg yolks in one go before although I did get two yolks before. I told myself that it is indeed a bonus of sort. I then show the bowl to my spouse and she say it was a rare happening indeed. In those days woman folks would not take such eggs with many yolks. Its a superstition that some believe would lead to conceiving twins. Anyway that superstition is no longer with us now and I thought it was nice for a change and then continue to break the other egg but this time I just got only one egg yolk. So today I got four egg yolks from two eggs and happy about it. I then microwaved the eggs just for forty seconds and Voila I got my morning breakfast of Soft-boiled eggs and this time with extra yolks. Well folks that happening does make me happy and I am sharing the image of that bowl here for all to see.

Have a nice day.


  1. Assalamualaikum.
    Been long since i last left my comment here. Hopefully Pak Idrus & wife are heppily healthy :)
    What a good surprise comes in a breakfast! Hope to experience the extra yolks too one day :)

  2. asSalam

    My 1st time here, teruja nak komen bila pandang 3 egg yolks tu..

    My sister gave me salted eggs siap direbus. Those 3 had double yolks. Apparently according to my sister, all salted eggs have double yolks.

  3. If we were in the kampung, the people would say that it is good for fertility, Pak Idrus! Or if it is cooked and served to a man, it would be claimed that it would have an aphrodisiac effect! But the rest of us urbanites would probably just say: "That's what comes of using all those hormones and antibiotics on farm animals!"

  4. As-Salam Pak Idrus
    I have not seen anything like that before. Rezeki! Cuma, kalau saya takut juga nak makan.....bimbang terjadi 1 sura, 3 surinya! Have a nice day!

  5. What an unusual phenomenon. No wonder there are so many superstitions about it. Whatever its significance, they provided you with a nice breakfast, and I hope, a nice day too.

    If such rare things bring good luck then I am sure you are in for even more good luck than a four leaf clover would bring in our superstitions.

  6. Pak Idrus,

    All my years I do not remember being told of three yolks. Ini pertanda umur panjang! The superstitious believe of any thing out of ordinary is to be expected. I am sure those around you also look at twin bananas (pisang kembar) with caution.
    Salaam to you.

  7. Salam Pak Idrus
    I have seen an egg with 2 yolks but not 3. Mudah-mudahan rezeki melimpah :)
    Nama blog dan cat rumah pun dah tukar..Nice.. :)

    Have a Great Sunday evening.

  8. Assalamualaikum Pak Idrus,

    terjumpa blog ni masa cari tentang buah delima :), interesting.

    About this post, 1st time nampak yang 3. Once I had 2 eggs with 2 yolks each on same day..tak fikir apa2 just happy that we had extra yolks..hehe


  9. LaLaLOLa, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Thanks as well for the good wishes to my spouse and I. Hope that you are in the best of health as well and eventually get to see for yourself this kind of happening; more yolks in one egg.

    Have a nice day.

  10. somuffins, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well I do not know about all salted eggs have more than one yolk. I have not see it so far, maybe you are very lucky to have all your salted eggs with more than one yolks.

    Have a nice day.

  11. ~Covert_Operations'78, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and sharing your interesting thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well in every culture there are this kind superstitions and in those days folks often believe in myth and superstition. Now I believe most folks no longer believe in those nonsense. Like you said it probably the cause of all those additional hormone added to the chicken foods. Anyway it was fun to get to see it and it does taste as good.

    Have a nice day.

  12. Temuk, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well actually this is the first time I saw such numbers of egg yolks in one eggs. I decided to consumed it and it does taste as good. So jangan bimbang dan ragu, just enjoy it.

    Have a nice day.

  13. louis, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Yes an unusual phenomena indeed. Actually in all my lives this is the first time I saw three yolks in one egg. Hope it is a good happenings; here we goes again on believe and perhaps that is how one believe in superstition. Anyway I felt good about it and then broke another egg and that morning I got myself two soft boiled eggs with four yolks. Perhaps with that intake come an extra nutrition too.

    Have a nice day.

  14. Al-Manar, Pak Hassan, thanks for the visit and sharing your valuable knowledge on the subject of this posting.

    Well, there is always the first time in anything and like you I had never seen such happening before; this is the first time for me. I am indeed glad that I got to see it and hope that it would bring something good for our lives.

    Well before the reasoning of science most folks do believe in superstition and now that we know of the how and why, superstition is slowly gone for from our believe.

    Have a nice day.

  15. Puan Isah, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting, as well the good words on my blog images.

    Well I thought that it is time that I change the name and painted the house too. I am glad you like it. As for that egg I too have not seen it before, not until that day.

    Well nature is like that and I am happy to share it with all to see.

    Have a nice day.

  16. Cheqna, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well from time to time we get to see such happening but it is not uncommon like seeing the three yolks in one egg. The superstitious folks think differently on such things like would not eat Pisang Kembar still happens till these days. Well life is like that and I do not believe in such things and enjoy that extra bonus of yolks that day.

    Have a nice day.
