Sunday, November 14, 2010

Whiling the Sunday...

It was a beautiful Sunday folks and I felt good. The sun was out and the sky was blue with patches of cirrus clouds. With that clouds there would not be rain today. It humid as usual but not that hot. I took the Volvo classic out and drove to the gas station and fill her up and check the air pressure of all the tires and then fill it up too. Got it done and move on for a spin around the neighborhood. I turn off the air condition and down the windows and enjoy the breeze of fresh air that rushes into the car. It was indeed refreshing just like the old days when cars are not air conditioned. Then I stop at the nearby stall and had Roti Canai and Teh Tarik, the all Malaysian favorite breakfast combines. I sat there and enjoy that snacks and then a friend came by and ordered a takeaway Roti Canai. After a short chat he left to get his morning paper. I then continue to enjoy my Teh Tarik and Roti Canai careless of the happening around me. It was indeed a great week; a few days ago I got a gift of the Amazon Kindle from my youngest daughter who had just returned from the US after attending a Seminar there. It was really nice to get such a gift. With that I now could read e book with ease. Grandma is now at our eldest daughter house taking care of the grand kids while their parent went to do the Haj. So all in all life have been good and I am enjoying it. 

Have a nice day.


  1. Pak Idrus,
    Enjoy your sunday like you are enjoying your Mondays, Tuesdays and every other days. Afterall what is a day to a retiree like us?
    The roti canai looks yummy.

  2. Well Idrus, you have described what the ideal life shouid be for retirees. One thing missing though: I expected to see your Kindle next to your roti canai.

  3. Salam,
    Kindle? you did mentioned that to me the other day..Photo please!

  4. You are a lucky man Pak Idrus - even left alone, too?

  5. Pak Zawi, thanks for the visit and the good words. Well, time is on ours now and we could use it the way we like best. So I am using it to enjoy life my way.

    Yes to us retiree everyday is a holiday and since it is a holiday we all should use it to be the best of our ability and enjoy it to the fullest. And I believe you are enjoying it tool.

    The roti canai is one of my favorite and that one is really good.

    Have a nice day.

  6. louis, thanks for the visit and your kind thoughts on living. I do enjoy my retirement and I believe you are too.

    Oh yes, the Kindle, I am still learning to use it and got to find a sort of bag to carry it so as not to forget and leave it on the table and leave without it. You know at this age we often forget so I had to be very careful when bringing things and leaving it somewhere.

    I did found it to be such a wonderful tools for reading e book. It look like its going to be my companion wherever I go now.

    Have a nice day.

  7. mailmat, thanks for the visit. Yes I did touch on this when we had lunch and the marathon chat that we had on that wonderful day. About the e book just google Kindle and you can have a look at this gadget. I have send a note to you on FB on this.

    Have a nice day.

  8. Al-Manar, thanks for the visit and the good words. Well life is like that and I am enjoying it the way I like best and I believe you do too.

    Have a nice day.

  9. Anonymous1:33 am


    This is a message for the webmaster/admin here at

    Can I use some of the information from your blog post right above if I provide a backlink back to your website?


  10. Idrus,

    Yes, getting a bag for your Kindle is a good idea, not only to prevent leaving it behind, but more importantly it will make it more convenient to use. I got a case for my iPad that opens like a book, and it's amazing how much more comfortable that has made using it. It also changes the feel of the thing from an electronic device to a book.

  11. Anonymou, Oliver, thanks for the visit. Yes you can use the information in this posting.

    Have a nice day.

  12. Louis, Thanks for the return visit. I am looking for the casing and a bag so that I can take it along with ease whenever I go out.

    I already got the hang of it and found it so good for reading, unlike reading from the computer monitor, there is no glare even reading under the bright sun.

    Thanks for the site from Elena and I shall continue to download free e book from time to time.

    Have a nice day.

  13. So where's your Kindle, Pak Idrus? You sure Amazon allows you to download the HEAVY reading materials that you are accustomed to? Ha ha ha! Kidding, kidding! Glad to know that you now have a new toy. I got my parents a Brain Trainer game for their anniversary 2 years ago and by now they have punched all the keys loose. Such is their level of excitement and aggression when playing games on the Brain Trainer. So who says seniors don't take to technology as quickly as the young'uns do? Tsk! Parents!

  14. ~Covert_Operations'78~, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and sharing your thought on the subject of this posting. I like my Kindle already, now I could download book in less that 60 seconds and could read any books that I want. So now I would not leave home without my kindle. A great tool for reading indeed.

    Have a nice day.
