Sunday, August 29, 2010

The mind of a child...

Well folks like grandpa, one of my grandson is a blogger too. He is just eight years old, the youngest in the family. A few days ago he was happily telling me of his new posting [August 25 and 26, 2010], which he say is much longer than before. I went over to his blog and have a look and found it to be a brilliant piece of writing for his age. Here it is and I believe you too would enjoy his narration of his thoughts.

Have a nice day.


  1. You must have inspired him to be a blogger. Great job grandpa.

  2. Pak Zawi, thanks for the visit and the good words on the subject of this posting.

    What surprise me most is that he took both the images in his posting himself, without anyone help. I was surprise with that snap of the splashing water. I tried to do just that and still not that successful.

    Well, it look like kids has their own way of think and thus could accomplish thing that we adult find it difficult. As for Blogging, yes somehow he got inspired because of my blogging.

    Have a nice day.

  3. Anonymous[3:12 PM] Thanks for the visit. To open a Gmail account just visit .

    Have a nice day.

  4. Anonymous, just visit this site

  5. Pak Idrus,
    I looked up your grandboy's site. With a bit of help from his grand-dad he might outrun 'in passing'.

  6. You have fostered another blogger, Idrus, Great!

  7. Al-Manar, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. It look like with their own ingenuity they would surely overtake Atok in their blogging.

    Pak Hassan we should be happy that the new generation are much better than us in their thinking.

    Have a nice day.

  8. louis, thanks for the visit and good words on me. Well it look like it run in the family.

    To me blogging would gives the kids the opportunity to explore their talent in writing and other media like photography. I was indeed surprise that he took those images in his blog without any assistance from us. He did it himself and that is an achievements for his age.

    Have a nice day.

  9. Pak Idrus, it is contagious.... It is spreading over to me.... o dear.... now I am so tempted to start one myself... mmmm.....

    Your In-passing and your grandson's the best in Malaysia are really good. I must get my son to look at this and hopefully, he will spend more time blogging like this than FBing and playing online games.

    Thanks for sharing and inviting me to your blog.
