Thursday, August 05, 2010

The Green...

Green is one of my favorite colors. It is the color of freshness and to me soothing to the eyes. About is a closeup image of a plant that grows well, floating on the water in a shallow pot in my little garden. Enjoy it and do have a nice day.


  1. Anonymous2:43 pm

    the plant is growing with love at the fore front :)

  2. green really are good for our eyes..

  3. Manek manek air.. yang di siram atau embun.. Soothing to the eyes.. the green color I mean.
    Take good care..

  4. Anonymous[2:43] thanks for the visit and the good words on the subject of this posting.

    Do everything with love and that includes in gardening. What you sow you would reap. Sow love and you would get love in return.

    Have a nice day.

  5. Jamiel, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Yes Green is a good color and it really soothe the eyes.

    Have a nice day.

  6. Wan Sharif, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Yes it is manik manik air that made this green so gorgeous. And the green color is always soothing to the eyes.

    Have a nice day and take care.

  7. Anonymous10:57 pm

    I am growing like a freshly sioled plant and will continue to blosssom as your wisdom inspires me and take root as the fertiziler.

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  9. Trinity, thanks for the visit. Have a nice day.

  10. Mike, thanks for the visit. Have a nice day.

  11. Anonymous12:19 am

    Pak Idrus,

    When I look at green, I think of M'sia. On my car ride to M'sia, I saw beautiful rows of green dotted everywhere. Lovely Palm and Rubber trees.Very beautiful indeed!(I was hoping the greens are Petai).

    You have a nice day too, Pak Idrus ;-)

    Kind regards to you and family,

  12. Anonymous, Yvonne thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Yes the green always refreshes us, giving us hopes to enjoy life.

    Have a nice day and take care.

  13. What a gorgeous photo of your pistia plants, Pak Idrus! I love the droplets of water glistening on the leaves. Green is also my favourite colour, although I love camouflage-patterned things best of all.

  14. ~Covert_Operations'78~, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and your additional imput on the subject of this posting. Thanks for the good words on my kind of photography.

    Thanks to you I now know the name of this water plant.

    Have a nice day.

  15. Green has a calming effect. It not only feels refreshing but it also makes you feel closer to nature. I find that looking at all the green plants and trees is a good stress reliever.

  16. Blender Diet, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Agreed that plants is also a good stress reliever. That is why we must saved our forest and continue to plant more and more greens.

    Have a nice day.
