Saturday, June 19, 2010

This T shirt say it all....

The whole family went for a holiday in Brisbane, Australia and Christchurch, NZ. and are now back home. I did not join them as I was not really feeling well. Moreover I have live in Brisbane before. The image above is one of the T shirt that they brought back for me. I like it and am sharing the message with all to enjoy. Its all true folks. I believe most of us including me who are in the golden age are just like what are written on that T Shirt. Life is like that folks, so enjoy it and be happy. Have a nice day.


  1. Hi Idrus,

    Sorry to learn you were not feeling well.I hope you are better now. I imagine your family did enjoy their visit to Brisbane and i look forward to reading about Brisbane in your blog.

    Those sentiments on your T-shirt ring pretty true.

    I just returned home today myself, having spent the past week cruising Alaska. So I have to catch up on your previous post and on those of the other bloggers I follow.

  2. Hahaha...that is why I keep a little book now where I scribble down what I'd like to remember. Those I did not care to write don't matter if I remember or not :)

  3. Pak Idrus
    More worrying if, at this age, 'I have spent it (the EPF $) all'! Have a nice day!

  4. Pak Idrus,
    Very true indeed but we, "the warga emas" are in a class of our own, wisdom and all, hopefully lah.

  5. Pak Idrus,
    Sorry to hear that you are not well. Being a senior citizen doesn't mean that we have to be sick. This is because our body is designed to handle all diseases. But unfortunately, modern diet and lifestyle are causing toxins to accumulate and poison our body systems. They make us sick and our body parts become diseased.
    If we want to be freed from these health issues, we must regularly detox, purify our blood, reduce the acidity, increase the oxygen intake in our body.
    Please visit my blog: for more information on curing diseases.

  6. Salam Pak Idrus
    Just to inform you that I've seen your very lovely kenanga in your facebook. Of course I did enjoy myself looking at the other fabulous pictures that you had included in your picture albums. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Pak Idrus,
    Hope you are well now.
    How apt with what is written. Don't be surprised that you may remember vividly certain things that happened in the past a long time ago. It is natures way of reminding us.

  8. Pak Idrus, well said. I don't disagree with the T-shirt at all!

  9. LOL, Pak Idrus! Your family members sure are cheeky! I must get one for my Dad too!

  10. Anonymous7:23 pm

    If you're feeling under the weather maybe it's time for your annual checkup if you haven't done it yet in the last 12 months. I did mine last month, one bcoz it was due, two, as preparation for my trip. Also google AlJabbar and see if you might like to try one of their products ... no, I'm not a shareholder!

  11. Louis, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. Thanks as well for your concern of my health. I am OK now.

    No wonder there was silence on your front, on the go again eh! I hope we could go on such a cruise on the China Sea in the future. It would sure be interesting. We did a short trip from Kuching, to Kota Kinabalu to Kuantan some years ago on Ferry Malaysia. Now the service has stopped, how sad. It was a great trip and we did enjoy it.

    As for that T shirt I do like it. The whole gang have return and are happy with the trip.

    Have a nice day.

  12. MANDALAY, Azimah thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well the T Shirt did remind us of the joy of the golden age and forgetting is one aspect of that part of our lives. I just take it as things that just happened and try to remember where did I left my spec. And after awhile did found it. Interesting eh!

    Have a nice day.

  13. Temuk, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    True what you said regarding EPF. For those who depend on their EPF during their retirement must manage this fund well. If not one would be in real trouble with finance unlike those you get a monthly pension. I know of folks who have to work again because they have spend all their EPF money. How sad.

    As for me and my spouse we need not worry since we are on the pensionable scheme and get a regular pension every month.

    Have a nice day.

  14. Siti Roffini, thanks for the visit and sharing your wisdom on the subject of this posting.

    Agreed that golden age has that plus, in that we now have more wisdom. How I wished that we had wisdom when we was still working to make a living. But then wisdom only comes with age and I am happy to share with all so that others may make a better decision in their youth, thus I blog and share my thoughts with all. And I believe you too feel that way. Do continue blogging and share your wisdom with the world.

    Have a nice day.

  15. H.N.Liew, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Thanks as well for your concern of my health. I am OK now. Well life is like that, some day you are OK and some day you are not. I take it as the check and balance of lives it selves. That's more reason why we must enjoy every minutes of living and not to fred on small matter.

    Have a nice day.

  16. Temuk, Thanks for the return visit and the good words on the Kenanga image posted in my Facebook. I am glad that you enjoy those other images as well. Have a nice day.

  17. Pak Zawi, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Agreed that those statements on the T Shirt has more truth to it. Anyway as we get older the memories of our childhood are vivid indeed. It is as though it just happens yesterday.

    To me it does not really matter if I forget and goes on with living as my usual self.

    Have a nice day.

  18. Rahman Hariri, thanks for the visit and shring your thoughts on the subjects of this posting.

    Well, I believe when you get to my age you would understand better all those statement on that T Shirt.

    Have a nice day.

  19. ~Covert_Operations'78~, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting.

    Yes my family members are a wonder that made my life so very colorful and I am indeed grateful for that blessing. In Malay we often referred it as 'menumpang kasih' where love flows like running water.

    I love that T Shirt and I am sure you Dad would love it too.

    Have a nice day.

  20. Zaharan Razak, thanks for the visit and the advice as well as sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well, I am somewhat OK already and continuing to enjoy life. That is more reasons why your retreat is important for me and others who need to get away and have some peace and tranquility that the city could not provides. So hurry up and get that place of yours to a four star standard.

    Have a nice day.
