Monday, May 24, 2010

That little blue flower...

The above flower is from my little garden in front of my patio. This plant with many small green leaves is often use in a landscape gardening since its flower bloom all the year around. Because the flower is so tiny, it is hardly notice. Folks, enjoy this image of that little wonder. Have a nice day.


  1. What a gorgeous flower, Pak Idrus! Like a gleaming blue jewel. I will need to look up my book on tropical flowers and garden plants to find out the name. Have a nice day, Pak Idrus and Makcik!

  2. Pak Idrus
    I was trying to find the name of that beautiful little blue flower in my Taman Hiasan book, but it wasn't there. You had some 'pegaga' there too? The whole pic looks so beautiful and alive.

  3. Great choice of background for that flower, Idrus.

  4. Ahhh, that flower reminds me of my dad! He had them in pots, and there would always be lovely blue flowers smiling up at the sun! He had such green fingers :)

    Thanks for taking me back to revisit my memories of dad!

  5. ~Covert_Operations'78~, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting. I am glad that you enjoy this image.

    Well they say that flowers is the keeper of our joy,how true. I am always happy to see one bloom. This flower is blue and it is so tiny and yet it gives such warmth to us.

    Have a nice day.

  6. Temuk, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    I believe you have seen this plant and its flowers before. It is very easy to plant, the cutting would just grow if the soil condition is right. The flower is just about 1mm in size and yet it glows among the greens.

    Glad that you enjoy this image of mine. I did enjoy it too.

    You do have a sharp eyes, yes it is the pegaga which I planted in pots there. I love the shape and green of this plant. It does made a gorgeous scene of my little garden.

    Have a nice day.

  7. louis, thanks for the visit and the good words on this image.

    I did not set it up. It was a natural setting that I saw in my little garden. So without wasting any time I took as many snaps of it with my camera and voila! the images turn out great. Thus I am sharing it with all to enjoy it as well.

    Much as I had enjoyed taking that photograph I and indeed happy that you enjoy it too. It is the little things like this that made our lives so very colorful.

    Have a nice day.

  8. Pat, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting.

    Well like your dad I too love gardening. I am indeed glad that this little flower remind you of your dad. Much as I had enjoyed taking this image, I am glad that it made you happy as well.

    Flowers always bring happiness to folks and that is one reason that I kept planting flower and enjoy doing it. Have a nice day.

  9. Note: Due to some glitch this comment was not posted here, so I have copy and paste it here:-

    Yati Harvey has left a new comment on your post "That little blue flower...":

    Salam Pak Idrus,
    Have been trying to post this yesterday but somehow it wouldn't go through...That is a lovely picture you have taken. A definite work of art and showcase of your loving care of your garden. Have a great day!

  10. Yati Harvey, thanks for the visit. Well there could be some glitch somewhere, anyhow I got it and in the process of posting it other mistake just happened; so as not to loose it I copy and paste it here.

    Yati, thanks for the visit and the good words on my kid of photography. Well that morning the scene of that blue flower against the backdrop of the terracotta pots was so enticing that I was drawn to capture it. So without wasting any time I took my camera and snap as many image of that scene and voila it turn out really great, It does made my day.

    I thought that I should share it with other to enjoy it too. Am glad that you too find this image so beautiful. Photography is my other passion and it is not always one get such a natural setup. It is only then we get once a while such a manifestation of nature at its best. Enjoy it Yati.

    Yati site:

    Have a nice day.
