Sunday, February 07, 2010

Nature in harmony...

I snap this up at the little garden at the back of our house. It shows nature at its best. Do take some times to ponder and enjoy this image. Have a nice day.


  1. one more time it is your limau purut tree, right? btw, i am not that sure abt the creeping creature.

  2. Pak Idrus,
    That little larva (larva?) must be a 'tomyam' lover, but manages to savour only one of its important ingredients. Like hs, I'm assuming that those are limau purut leaves that the creature has been enjoying. The challenge is to make sure that the larva doesn't go anywhere until it turns into a beautiful butterfly for you to take a snapshot at for your coming blog entry. Salam bahagia.

  3. hs, thanks for the visit and sharing your thought on the subject of this posting.

    Yes it is Daun Limau Purut and that creature is a little caterpillar that would eventually be transformed into a butterfly, the wonder of nature at our doorstep; for us to enjoy.

    Have a nice day.

  4. Temuk, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    It is a little caterpillar already on its way to become a butterfly. I would never hurt or kill it but always get it out of harm-way so that it could continue to develop and transform into its next phase of life, the colorful butterfly, a wonder of nature at our doorstep. For us to enjoy and in some ways teaches our species a lesson or two of the ways to share this blue planet of ours.

    Life would be dull indeed without all the other species around. It is their presence that made our world so colorful and an enchanting place to enjoy life.

    Have a nice day.

  5. Anonymous10:40 am

    Interesting article as for me. It would be great to read more about that matter. Thank you for sharing this info.

  6. Anonymous[10:40AM], thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting. I am glad that you enjoy it. Others have left useful comment on this subject.

    Have a nice day.

  7. Anonymous11:05 am

    Assalamualaikum Pak Idrus,

    I was attracted to your photo of the catepillar on daun limau. I had exactly the same type of catepillar on my daun limau kasturi.

    But in my case was slightly different because I live in a condo of about 9 stories high.

    My minute balcony also has bird nest on my pokok buluh.

    Thank you Pak Idrus for sharing your jungle passion.

    Condo jungle

  8. Anonymous [11:05 AM], thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting. I am indeed glad that you enjoy that image of the two species, the insect and the plant, in harmony; the way nature works for all.

    I did enjoy watching that little creature enjoying its meals on that daun limau purut and it is for that reason that I took the photo and sharing it with all to enjoy.

    Actually it does not matter where one live, if we care to create the environment the other species would come to enjoy it as well. In that process we also get to enjoy its presence.

    That bamboo that you planted has create a friendly environment for the bird, thus it has built a nest. How I wished some bird would come over to my little jungle out front and built it nest there. You are lucky indeed. Anyhow in my case many little birds and other insects has made my little garden it playground and I am happy that happened.

    So take care of nature and it would surely return us with happiness. Have a nice day.
