Wednesday, January 06, 2010

A Sunny day in KL...

It is a beautiful sunny day here in Kuala Lumpur in contrast with those gloomy snowy days in the northern hemisphere where there are reports of heavy snow all over. But here the sight of rain is still there and I am taking the sunshine to enjoy the warmth and bright day for a change. I have notice the weather pattern has change perhaps because of the effect of global warming. With the change in the weather pattern we have to change the way we plan our day, like we just cannot go out for a walk in the park and then get caught with the rain. Anyway the rains always bring great memories of my childhood growing up on the east-coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Where at this time of the year it would be the period of the northeast monsoon and often it rain cat and dog for days without end. So today with the sun shining bright and the sky is blue with only patches of clouds I felt different and could smell the freshness of the air. I do feel nice to be able to enjoy such a wonderful weather for a change. Image above shows the bright day at my neighborhood. Have a nice day.


  1. Pak Idrus
    You remember the growing up years in the north-east monsoon part of the country. That is where I was and where I am.

  2. Anonymous6:26 am

    Your picture does show a bright, beautiful sunny day indeed. Makes me feel warm just looking at it. If only we could average the temperature there and here (Ontario), wouldn't it be wonderful :)

  3. Salam, Pak Idrus! It didn't rain yesterday so I thought sunny days are back again, and whaddyaknow, it rained and stormed all afternoon today. Here's wishing you mild, pleasant weather -- no roof-robbing storms and no scorching heat. Have a great weekend!

  4. salam pak idrus , it had been a while since i visited your blog.hope that you are doing well.Time definitely flew extra fast if you have a small baby with you . just like that she's now 9 month old and i feel that i don't her to grow up so fast

  5. Al-Manar, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this postinng.

    How can I forget those wonderful years of my childhood. The rain and the flood [bah], the cool weather was part of my growing up culture. A treasure that I would remember the rest of my life. Truly nostalgic!.

    Have a nice day.

  6. Adirya Kiratas, thanks for the visit and I am indeed glad that the warmth of our weather did give you some comfort.

    At time we too wish to get the feel of the snow but than we can never get both at the same time.

    Have a nice day anyway.

  7. ~Covert_Operations'78~, Ee Lynn thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of our weather.

    We all know too well that the weather in the tropic is rather unpredictable and for that we should enjoy whatever that comes our way. Sunshine or Rain. We should try to enjoy it.

    Have a nice day.

  8. xplorer, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on your living experience especially so on the raising of your young kids. Life is like that. Time according to Einstein is relative, it passes fast or slow depend on the way you used it.

    I was actually wondering where have you gone. Anyway welcome back and do have a nice day.

  9. Anonymous3:46 pm

    I wish not approve on it. I think nice post. Specially the designation attracted me to study the whole story.

  10. Anonymous [3:46]thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting.

    Have a nice day.

  11. Anonymous7:29 am

    Opulently I assent to but I contemplate the collection should secure more info then it has.

  12. Anonymous [7:29], thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Have a nice day.
