Monday, September 28, 2009

The aura of Rose...

It has been a tradition that before a festival especially an auspicious one like the Eid Fitr or the Hari Raya, folks would give a touch up to their home. In fact it is a sort of a soft spring-cleaning of the house. Giving it a new look. As for our home since both my spouse and I love interior deco we would spend times together introducing new ideas to refreshed our interior decoration, thus giving it a fresh look in the culture of fine living.

As usual fresh flowers would grace the living spaces of our home awaiting the arrival of Eid Fitr. Rose has always been our favorite flower for it always brings joy and happiness. A day before Eid Fitr my spouse and our youngest daughter went shopping and they bought a bunch of roses. My spouse who is good at flower arrangement had it done and displays it in a crystal vase on the coffee table. In that instance the area radiate with the glow of the roses. It does in a way lightens up the atmosphere; the mystic of the rose. It is said that rose has the ability to produce the positive energy to the surrounding. It is therefore that one is never unhappy with roses. I guessed this is the reason folks love to receive roses as a gift. As seen in the image above it does brighten up the space. Have a nice day.


  1. Sheela Jayaraj4:58 pm

    Indeed lovely! Both of u r indeed talented in home decor. I too just luv to decorate my home.

    Pls keep Deepavali day, Oct 17th free for our Deepavali open house in Klang. Will call u b4 hand to remind u. Really hope u & aunty can come to our humble abode.

  2. Sheela Jayaraj, thanks for the visit and the good words on us. It is important that our house became a home that we all love to live in and enjoy life. Creative works is an art that one must have passion for. I am glad that like us you too love this wonderful activities.

    Thanks for the invitation and we shall try to be there this time.

    Have a nice day.

  3. Pak Idrus,

    You love the roses - so do I, why not ??.
    I wish the sky as they rain would rain down roses, why not ??.
    From off the shaken bush, oh why will it not ??.
    Then all the klang valley would be pink and white if not !!.
    And soft to tread on. They would fall as light as feathers, smelling sweet and it would be like sleeping and like waking, all at once if not !?.

    Capt. (rose lover ?? why not !!)

  4. Capt's Longhouse, Thanks for the visit and that wonderful poetry on roses. What a wonderful way to describe this wonder of a flower, the Mawar ku. Yes, it is one flower that always bring joy to us. It is also a source of the making of the aroma of perfumes and the special taste of the Rose syrup. It does enriched our lives in so many ways.

    Sir, you are a young man full of adventure, a Pirate on an island, a Pilot on the open sky and now a Poet of beautiful words.

    I do envy your world and wished that I could be there on your enchanting island on the China Sea to enjoy life, with a Drink!.

    Have a nice day and take care. BTW how is your Dad?.
