Saturday, August 01, 2009

That Glorious Roses...

Folks it is the first day of August 2009. I just cannot say it is a great or a beautiful day simply because the weather outside is really not that good. The haze is back with a vengeance. The atmosphere too is as bad with many folks getting sick of that Flu. Many schools and colleges had to be closed so that students do not get sick. Anyway I hope that it would just passes by and life would return to normal again. Not to taken up with such a gloomy situation I am posting this images that is associated with a healthy living, the Roses.

Roses the one flower that we all loves for its elegance and mystic. It came in all shades of colors and sizes. Everyone loves it and it does radiate with love wherever it is placed. Elegant in vases as a deco in the house as well as bouquet presented as a gift. The above image was snap at our daughter's house nearby. Magnificent isn't it!

Cheer up folks for life is like that. Have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:32 am

    It is my first message here, so I would like to say hallo to all of you! It is definitely comfort to join your community!
