Friday, August 14, 2009

In harmony....

Above is an image of the Bougainvillea flower that blooms throughout the year in my front garden. This is one species of flower that does not produce any kind of smell at all but it does come in a multitude of colors. Since the flowers lasted for days, the blooms do make the garden colorful all the time. A part of my porch is covered with this flower that never ceased to bloom.

Give it a dose of fertilizer at a regular interval and watered it daily, this plant would blooms all the time. The image above shows the flower having a harmonious relationship with the insect as seen through the Macro Lens. The wonder of nature that continues to made our lives so very colorful. True as they say 'Flower is the keeper of our joy'. Have a nice day.


  1. Salam Pak Idrus,

    Very nice colour. I like it a lot (:

  2. Liza, thanks for the visit and the good words on the image in this posting. Like you I too enjoy that color.

    Have a nice day.
