Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Malaysian politic - the change continue...

Congratulation to all those folks who won in the By-election yesterday. It look like the Pakatan collation of PKR,PAS and DAP has continue to create changes. Their candidate for the Bukit Selambar and Bukit Gantang won the seats there. And the BN retain the seat in Sarawak. It look like the political tsunami that started in March 8,2008 has not stop. It just took a pause and on April 7, 2009 after more then a year it continue to swept, giving more changes to the political scenario of the country. Again congratulation to all those candidates who won. Please remember it is the Rakyaat [the people] that put you there. Read more here. Have a nice day.


  1. Salam Pak Idrus,

    In truth, what matter most, is the honest serving of an elected official. Unfortunately, that, is where many failed, and continue to fail.

  2. Dear Pak Idrus,

    It is favourable for many to see the change continue. However it would be equally favourable to learn what indeed are the necessary qualities and qualifications needed for someone to become a politician of integrity.

  3. cakapaje, Shah thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this issue.

    Yes agreed fully with you line of thinking. If we failed to get the right candidate it is because we did not made the right decision. So the Rakyaat is partly to blame. As we progress we must continue to make changes to the way we select government and our Representative. To me we should never allow one party to be in power for too long, two term to me is just right.

    Have a nice day.

  4. svllee, Steven thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on this issue.

    Yes we much find the right candidate and it is not going to be easy. I believe as we progress we would be wiser in the ballot box. To progress we need change and I as had often said we should not allow one party to be in power too long. The most is a two terms period.

    Have a nice day.
