Monday, August 04, 2008

Ayam goreng berlada...

Ayam goreng belada mean Chicken fried with chilly. It is one of my favourite. So just a week before we left Boston for home, my spouse did just that and we all got to enjoy a great meal, just steamy white rice and that fried chicken. To me that two combine very well indeed. That crunchy and hot and spicy taste of the chilly is simply wonderful with white rice. If you are in to foods that is hot and spicy you should try it when you are next in Malaysia. Most Malaysian love this kind of dish, for chilly has always been part of the Malaysian cuisine. In a country where there are so many influences of cultural elements in our cooking, the chicken always has been one of the favourites, whether it is Chinese, Indian or Malay cuisine. It is loved by all. Have a nice day. [compose in Boston, edited and posted in KL]


louis said...

Looks very tasty. Idrus.

Now. Let's see...what are the tax implications of a blog post like this one, that was composed in the US but posted in Malaysia :) ?

Fauziah Ismail said...

Salam Pak Idrus
My specialty too ... lots of Bombay onions and tomatoes thrown in!

Salt N Turmeric said...

steamy white rice and ayam goreng berlada WITH kicap manis, thts all i need right now. whc reminds me tht its been awhile since i made those.

p.s. good to hear tht you & Aunty Asmah have reached KL safely.

svllee said...

Please, please, please can I have the recipe for this...

Pak Idrus said...

louis, thanks for the visit. Yes it taste great and when you are here we would surely prepare this for dinner with you and Elena.

Well, I did not believe there are any legislation for tax on cyberspace as yet. Would get to it when they knock on our door. In the meantime let make hays while the sun shine.

Have a nice day.

Pak Idrus said...

Fauziah, thanks for the visit and welcome back to the real world. I am indeed glad that things is getting for the better.

Glad that you love this dish as well.

Have a nice day and take care.

Pak Idrus said...

salt n turmeric, Farina thanks for the visit and the best wishes on our return home. It sure a Home Sweet Home.

As for the Ayam Goreng Berlada, it look like everyone love it. I am glad that it trigger your thoughts and I believe you would be enjoying it soon.

Have a nice day.

Pak Idrus said...

svllee, Steven, thanks for the visit and Sure, we would get the recipe to you soon. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Hello Pak Idrus,

Oh no...I must visit your blog after so long & be greeted by this incredibly yummy looking dish. Boy! Drool drool. I feel so hungry & what a torture that dish is only virtual..ha ha. Gosh I missed your adventures in Boston. But nevermind, as long as you had a great time with family there..& you met Rita. Woo..I saw the photo on Facebook. You keep well.

Pak Idrus said...

ruby, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting. Well, we had a great time in the US where I managed to visit a numbers of bloggers.

Go and do that dish and enjoy it. Have a nice day.


salam pak idrus,

looks very "sedap". Probably one day I'll get the chance to taste you cooking.

p/s : will put my email as per your suggestion pronto.


Pak Idrus said...

jalan rebung, Rizal, thanks for the visit and the good words on this posting. Would invite you to the next open house and hope you could made it.

As for the email address, it would help to communicate on one to one.

Have a nice day.

Serenity said...

hello uncle idrus, the ayam berlada looks so yummy :)

Pak Idrus said...

serenity, Serene, thanks for the visit and the good words. Well, when you are next here we would get that dish done.

Have a nice day

~akhmaRidhwan~ said...

Salam Pak Idrus!

This is one of my fav dishes! I simply use bird eye chilis n lots of shallots.Still haven't got a suitable time to make it..but will try my best to make it ASAP before i deliver my 1st baby!

P/S: Looking at this pic makes me drool.....!!!