Sunday, July 08, 2007

Yet another day...

It is the eight of July already. See how time passes. It has been aready half year in the year 2007. Yesterday was the seven day of the seven month in the year zero seven. It was a day with the number 7.7.7. If we play slot machine that is indeed a lucky number. Well only once before did I saw the day, month and year were of the same figure. It was in the year 1977. Anyway it is some date to remember.

Actually I am not that sure of what to write today. I woke up to a call from a neighbour informing of the death of a friend. I am told that he die of cancer. More often then not an early morning call always bring such news. Well that is life and we have to accept that is part of the circle of living on this planet. I believe this friend is in his seventy plus. He was at one time the Director of the National Museum. I said a prayer for him and hope that he would find a place in heaven. Well at this age I get call like this and seeing one by one my friends were called to the Lord. That is life on this good earth of ours. We come and when the time come, we go. That is why I kept saying that we should make use of our time fully and enjoy living. For when the time come we all have to go, making way for the others.

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