Sunday, June 03, 2007

Whatever, it is still Me...

Pak Busu, the caller first word. Well, the cell phone call came from one of our many nieces. A Forty something, homemaker, a career lady, studied at ITM for her first degree and then did her Master at a University in the US. One of those new breed of young Malaysian. Actually I am not writing about her today but the way she address me. Pak Busu. It is like that on my spouse side of the family. My spouse is known as Mak Busu thus me Pak Busu, so when I am in Bentong and that parts of the world, we are Mak Busu and Pak Busu. On my side mostly from Kuantan my nephews and nieces would address me as Pak Long and my spouse as Mak Long. To the many youngs that are from the generation of our children I am Pak Cik and my spouse Mak Cik. And from those nieces and nephews who are somewhat sophisticate would address me as Uncle and Auntie. Both my parents and my brothers and sisters would address me as just Awang. And then my colleagues and friends would just address me as Idrus and of recent when I start blogging for wanting of a better reference for a person of my age, I posted myself as Pak Idrus. And with that I am address as Pak Busu, Pak Long, Pak Cik, Uncle, Awang and and now Pak Idrus... Bit confusing you think, well actually at time it is rather confusing especially so when all of those nieces and nephews are at our home or at a place, at one moment in times. And to to avoid switching from Pak Long to Pak Busu and so on, I would just use the English royal I. It is interesting and that is the way it is in our culture. So addressing one like Long, Ngah, Tunggal, Kecil and so on are the fine parts of the our culture, especially so in those good old days. But now it seem it is slowly but surely fading away. That's progress!!! Well that is part of the evolution process. We loose some and we gain some.

The call from one of the nieces is an invitation to a dinner. So last evening we had a sort of a family dinner at the PJ Hilton. All those at the dinner were from my spouse side of the family. So at this dinner we were address as Pak Busu and Mak Busu. In a situation like this it was easy since only those from one side of my family were there. The two gorgeous lady in the image above address me as Pak Busu and my spouse as Mak Busu. The young lady in blonde is the spouse of one of our nephew. This nephew of ours who address me as Pak Busu is going on a second posting to Huston, Texas. The last time they were in the US was for almost five years. The dinner was for them, a sort of a farewell send off. Well I guess she turned blonde for been too long in faraway land. Well BJ you look great as a blonde. Have a nice day.

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