Sunday, May 06, 2007

Of Blogging and free press...

Yes. It is a new tool. Yes it worried the authority, Yes it is a godsend tool for democracy. But like any tool it would be useless if we Malaysian do not use it. As I had said often that never before in our history that we could share our thoughts with our fellow citizen and the world as easy and fast until blogging came our way. So do blog and at the same time be responsible with what you blog. The correct and update information are very important for the healthy development of our society. Remember that blogging add contents to the Internet, thus it add knowledge for the masses. These two blogs have many things to say, so do follow their posting here and here and get updated with the happening in the Malaysian blogging scene. And this! as well. Have a nice day.


  1. It worries me a great deal why the authorities are so hot on heels on the bloggers nowadays....

    I'm not sure the mere statement of over emphasizing that citizens are no better at judging what to read is a clear signal we all have a long way to go before reach any Wawasan 2020 or mission 2057 with this kinda mentality.

  2. freethinker, thanks for the visit and the comment which shows our concern about the press freedom in this country. We are just 50 years and the citizen has open their eyes to many new development since then and wanting the authority to be transparent in all aspects. But as usual it takes time for changes to happen. The Internet has open the Pandora box on information and there are no ways to close it.The Malaysian society has changed and would continue to change with times. The way forward is for the authority to accommodate changes and accept for the fact that times changes. So are the Malaysian society. I believe that blogging is here to stay whether the authority like it or not. Have a nice day.

  3. Bro.Idrus..Bloggers are also like Star Wars...They are grouped as the Dark side and the other with the gangs.
    Have you identify who are good and who are bad?
    Take care.

  4. monsterball, thanks for the visit and the thoughtful comment. I think that as long as the sun raise on the east and set on the west, there would exist both forces. That is the world we live in. I believe that all people are good until they commit evil doing. We all have to work together to see that good succeed over evil. Have a nice day and take care bro.

  5. Salam...Pak Idrus,

    I'm new to blogging. I stumbled upon yr blog thru The Star. I have read most of your thoughts & views and I really like your writtings. The stories are well written,with simple english and it makes me read more & more. Congratulations to you ..age really does not matter...I hope I can write like you some day....simple but meaningful..

  6. Hi izzsofead, thanks for the visit and the kind words. I try to relate my the way I know best and enjoy doing it. Hopping that others enjoy it as much I had in getting the story posted. I am indeed glad that you enjoy reading it.

    BTW Homemaker is indeed a honorable profession. It is not easy but do keep it up. It is because of the sacrifices of people like you that makes living so beautiful and colorful. Without people like you where would we be. Mom is always first in our vocabulary. Have a nice day.
