Wednesday, May 09, 2007


My God! It is really hot here in Ampang Jaya. I am not sure about your place but here in Ampang Jaya where I live the temperature has risen dramatically. And without rains in sight living has been very uncomfortable even in an air condition rooms.

When we move here in the early seventies this place was real special, where the temperature in the morning sometime drop to below twenty five degree Celsius. One had to put on sweater to keep warm outside the house. But now something has definitely gone wrong. I believe it is because of the various developments in the vicinity of the area. Where there was only one Housing Garden that of Ampang Jaya, now there are hundred of housing estate and high rising apartments. More are been built. As such the population density has grown up many folds. Even the hill near Taman Tun Razak has been flatten to makes way for a new housing enclave for the rich.

The MPAJ [Local municipal] has been planting trees along the roads but it look like it has no effect. But what can we do except to protest from time to time but as usual new building are been built even as I write this. A friend, a neighbour quip that it is global warming. Maybe so but here I believe it is of our doing and no fault of the weather.

Anyway to cheer up the day I have posted up the above images of orchids that blooms in our little garden. My spouse had nurtured it tenderly and it has in return lighten up our life. Since we obviously cannot do much about the weather, at least we could help to take care of the environment around our home by planting trees and plants. Well I hope it would not be long before the rains comes again and bring the temperature down to normal. I hope!!.. That was yesterday and all the week long. Well a little rain did come this morning and has stop since. It still Hot...Anway do have a nice day.


  1. hi pak idrus! found out about u at the Star..... nice blog! ur a good blogger by the way....... yeah, malaysia is nowadays 24/7 PANAS!!! n rainy on the wrong days........

  2. kacey, thanks for the visit and the kind words. Have a nice day and take care.

  3. Salam Pak Idrus
    Yes, it finally rained this morning. If I had not been rostered to work 8am shift, I would have gone back to bed after Subuh.
    Ahh, another time maybe I can afford myself the luxury of sleeping in.
    Have a nice day.

  4. fauziah, thanks for the visit and the comment. Well it is one of those days that we get mad with. Panas. take care.

  5. Anonymous8:00 am

    Selamat Pagi PAk Idrus,

    Read about you in the Star. And yes yes yes yes, it s hot lately!

  6. Elviza thanks for the visit and the kind words. Well Hot!! I was just venting my anger at the extreme weather... My way. Have a nice day.

  7. Anonymous12:38 pm

    Salam, Pak Idrus, nice blog you have here. I found out from the Star.

  8. haza, thanks for the visit and the kind words. Have a nice day.
