Thursday, April 05, 2007

Blogger and Parliament...

Well, it look like Blogging is making the news again in our Parliament . I urged the members of Parliament to wake up to the reality of the Blogging world. It is here to stay and to me it is a godsend tool for democracy. Instead of demonising the bloggers, the Government should encourage its citizen to blog. This would in turn create more Malaysian in creative writing. An aspect which is rather lacking in this country. I have been blogging since September 2003 and have been transparent in whatever I wrote. Actually I enjoy doing that for its alert my mental faculty and keep me healthy all the way. Although not that many bloggers of my generation blog but the few that blog do contribute with wisdom their thoughts to the society.

So I would suggest those in the government take a serious look at blogging and what good it would do to this country. I am sure that it would do more good than bad. It is a tool that is here to stay. A very powerful took indeed. Like the Printing Press when it first appear, the fear that most authority had were eventually diminished once they understood that there are more good than bad that the Printing Press could do to the society. Thus the fear vanished totally. Now in Blogging, I hope those government MP should go into blogging and help in the dissemination of information to the society instead of just talking about the negativeness of this new tool. Been naive would not help the society and the country. Come on let all of us blog and be responsible about it. I am sure it would do more good to the country. Have a nice day.

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