Thursday, March 29, 2007

Blogging, a hot debate...

Well, Well it look like Blogging has gone to our Parliament. The YB are getting curious with this animal call Blogging. Interesting Eh!. All the time I notice that only one Malaysian government MP blog although MP's from the opposition have been having a field day blogging on all issue that affect the people.

In the past, that is before blogging became a reality in Malaysia, the news had been from one source only, the Government. But with blogging we the people of Malaysia could also present our own view the way we like it. Now it look like for once in our history the playing field is becoming more level. What's wrong with that. As far as I am concern Nothing is wrong. It's democracy, Right!!!.

To me the Government should not worry about blog or about the cybermedia. Instead the authority should encourage the people especially those at the University level to blog. This would help to develop more creative writing as well as getting the people's point of view on all things that would helps Malaysia to move forward. Have a nice day.


  1. Anonymous2:43 pm

    Blogging has just merely been a tool to reach to a broader audience. Way back before blogging, news/gossip had always travelled thru word of mouth in coffeeshops or tuckshops around the country. Agreeable?

  2. Well, there's a high possibility they're worried due to the fact of how blogs manage to cripple politicians during polls.

  3. ethan, dannyfoo, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the above subject. To me the Internet and blogging could be useful tool for us to participate in the process of democracy. Indeed blogging is a very powerful tool, so do use it with wisdom. Have a nice day.

  4. GREAT POST! Blogs are a lot of fun.Democracy is such a wonderful thing.

  5. troy thanks for the visit and the informative comment. Yes blog is fun and agreed that democracy is a wonder to mankind. Malaysia is just fifty years into democracy and has more to learn. Have a nice day.
