Saturday, January 27, 2007

Oh! what an evening...

It was just one of those normal day and me with my usual morning ritual. But then all of a sudden it change. Out of the blue He call. It was in the morning as I was preparing my breakfast. I do not normally pick up the fixed line phone as most of the calls are for my spouse. She would normally pick the phone and it is seldom is for me. But this morning the phone rang and she was outside tending to her little garden at the back of our home. So I pick the phone and for once it is for Me. It is indeed one of those days. It was from a very close friend who was our neighbour when we were living in Sarawak some years ago. Really some wonderful years ago. I often tell friends that serving Sarawak was the best part of my career. So Sarawak is real special in my heart.

He was then a senior personal with the State Government. Let me just announce him as Pak Taha. A well known personal not only in his home state of Sarawak but in Malaysia as well. In fact he was at one time a Senator in our Parliament as well as a prominent figure in the Malaysian football world. A man who reads and full of knowledge. Now like me retired from the government service and live with his charming spouse I am told in at least three locations, Kuching in Sarawak, Ampang in Peninsular Malaysia and in Perth Australia. Despite busy in his business venture, yet he still have the time to study for his PhD... Indeed he is a humble man, a true friend that you would always treasured. And We, my spouse and me do treasure our friendship, that had its beginning some twenty years ago, in Sarawak.

It was indeed a surprise call..the last time I met him was at the KLCC which must be some years ago...Well we talk like old friends, one thing lead to another and then he invited my spouse and me to his home, for coffee and chat that evening. I told him that I would call back if we could come. Well my spouse say that we could go as we did not have other appointment that evening, so I phone him and told him that we would be glad to come. We would be there after the Isyak prayer, around eight forty five in the evening.

He live not that far from our home. I knew the direction to his home, so after the Isyak prayer off we went to his home here at a condominium nearby. Upon arrival at his home here, we were warmly greeted by his charming spouse and himself. He was indeed glad that we could come and as soon as we got ourselves comfortable in his living room, the chat began. There was so many things to talk so we just take it easy and chat on whatever subjects that comes to our mind. The subjects ranging from national politic, economy and sociocultural aspect of our country. Since we both think alike in many aspect the chat soon became as interesting with the subject changes. In between the chat, he stop to show me what books he is reading now. And from the look of it, we are indeed reading the same book or the same subject. There were so much to talk but then at our age talking just came naturally and easy.

We continue the chat in between enjoying the tea and delicacies that his spouse had prepared. Both the ladies were having their kind of chat and as usual join in on the subject that we were talking. The atmosphere were relax and we yarns about old times while in Sarawak and without realising that it is almost midnight. So we decided to call the evening off and hope that we could meet again, possibly at a dinner at our home. We that we parted and headed home. Happy that the evening had turn out to be indeed a great event, as we journey on with out life.

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