Saturday, November 18, 2006

Of the Malay and business...

The debates and rhetoric at the Assembly has ended. As I had often said rhetoric alone would not solved problem but would create problem instead. The only way for the society especially the Malay to be successful in the economic fields especially in trade and commerce is to gain knowledge and with it put these knowledge into practice. We are a capitalist country and only those who think as capitalist would be successful in doing business. Successful businessmen not only help themselves but the country as well. They create jobs and opportunities for others, thus help the country as a whole to prosper.

In order to acquire knowledge especially in Business, one must have the ability to get it. And this could only be done by knowing and mastering a language of knowledge such as English and Mandarin. The Malay language [Bahasa Melayu] with due respect is yet to be a language of knowledge. There are hardly any books of knowledge in the Malay language. The Internet is full of knowledge but then the language of the Internet is also English. So to those who need to acquire knowledge and upgrade their know how especially on Business or on any subjects they need to know either the English or Mandarins or both. There are no other ways for any group of the Malaysian society to be smart except to acquire knowledge. It is through knowing what to do only would they be successful in Business, thus would help to contribute toward the percentage of their share in the Malaysian Economic Cake. Rhetoric alone would not help. I notice that in the recent Assembly no one talk about the need to learn English or Mandarin, which I felt is the basic thing that would help the Malay especially to acquire knowledge and from there would help them to be successful businessmen.

I agree with the thoughts of the writer of this article Race is not the issue and hope that the Malay would realized and stop those rhetoric but be more realistic in their approach in wanting to gain more percentage in the Economic cake of the country.

To Me the Malaysian society has no choice but to Master the English language first. And Mandarin if possible. With that the rest would be much easier. This is the real world and we all have to be realist about it. Nationalism in the world of globalization would not help us to prosper. Thinking and acting global would and for us to be successful in the local and global enterprise knowing one or more international languages is the only way toward success.


  1. Knowing an additional language is always an advantage.

  2. sdr idrus:

    Wekk said -- the annual ritual at the PWTC Stage is good for entertainment (Syiok sendiri) while the Barbarians of Globalisation & "GobbleUpSeizeDanation" are at the nation's gates.

    FDI flow into NegaraKu in 2005 for the first time was LESS than that into Indonesia. You are right, "It's the economy, You stupid!" -- that's why Raja Petra hits the bull's eye by runing an Online Pretition at his Blog -- but 2,500 UMNO (Oh, no, Not agin!) delegates see not beyond sharing the country's Spoils.

    God protect us from Mat Ringgit and Rempit. I.S. Amin.

    Good day brudder, Take caresxz;
    We still have our
    Besta Furong tehtarik, dan
    Main Batu Seremban!:)

  3. Anonymous2:23 pm

    If only the ruling parties could realised the true formula of developing a country, instead of their own gravy train. Just imagine if we are on the reverse gear for another few years, by 2020, where will we be standing on this globalised stage? The painted vision is wonderful, but means nothing if we couldn't reach it.

  4. Lin peh, Liew, desiderata, o2deprivation, thanks for the visit. Your comments are greatly appreciated. In the real world the Economy is the game and let us makes more money and enjoy life. take care.
