Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ken Orril's final destination!!!......

Well, how and where do I start telling this episode in the story of the passing of a true friend, of which I wrote about his demise some months ago.. Let me start like this, a sort of Part two of this true story of friendship that spans culture, a story of a stranger that became a friend and a story of one's destiny..This second episode start Friday the 11th August. It has been three weeks already. Time passes just like that and here I am continuing writing about the events that look like an episode in an adventure novel of a sort, a drama in real life that unfolded as its happen....

While in the LRT [Light Rail Transit] that is packed like sardine, I hang on and wait anxiously for the train to stop at my destination, the Sentral Station. While in the midst of day dream in that cramped space, I got a call from one of the friends that I am supposed to meet at the Sentral station, saying that they are now on the Express Train from the Airport on the way to the Sentral Station. I told Her that I am on the way and if they arrived first, that to wait for me. A few minutes after that I arrived at the Sentral and then rush to meet them after getting another call from Her, that they had already arrived. I told them just to wait and eventually got to the arrival hall. I look around and then look outside and there they are, four of them waiting for me, all strangers..In that instance we recognized each other and shake hands as thought we are old acquaintance..In the next moment we are strangers no more. Two of the person in the group are the daughters of my dear friend the late Ken Orril and the other is an English gentlemen with his young son. They all are on their first visit to this country.

In my previous posting I wrote about these visitors from the UK and they are on a mission of a sorts. Their late dad had willed that His remain be cremated and then his ashes be flown to Malaysia and scattered into the sea at the Straits of Malacca, Malaysia, a country that he had spend most of his time as a soldier on OHMS and then later in life he would come over and stay for months enjoying the hospitality in this adopted home, a country that he call as his second home. While in his sick bed He had planned to make another visit to Malaysia but fate that He did not make it for He was called to Lord in London. But He was determined to get here one way or the other and make it as his final destination in life.. So for that purposed His children, two of the His daughters and a close friend came over. William of PJ who had known Ken since the days of his youth studying in the UK and whose home became a base whenever He is in Malaysia, took the part of organizing this part of the funeral. On that beautiful Sunday morning, after a simple ceremony at a Temple in Brickfield, Kuala Lumpur, Ken's ashes was then taken to the Straits of Malacca at the Port city of Klang. Using a boat His ashes was scattered into the sea as He had wishes. He had come Home to rest at last in his home in Malaysia. A country that he love and cherish all his life...Well Ken your wishes had been granted and I am sure that you are happy that it had turn that way. The way you like it....

This turn of events had given the opportunity for My spouse and Me to meet his charming and wonderful daughter, Max and Lo. And also found a new friend in Trevor.. Well life is like that!! Destiny they say. And when the time comes it just happened, like meeting this two charming ladies and the ever smiling Trevor. Well as I had described in my last two posting, after they had done their official business here in Malaysia, they went on a spree of a holidays by touring the country by car, with the great Trevor on the wheel all the way. The car was arranged by William of PJ, the other part of the equation in this Malaysian Ken's relationship. From the look of it, this guy Trevor is indeed a seasoned traveler. He was so confident of driving on strange roads as thought He has done it before. That is the way Trevor!! That is the way to go, to see a country especially Malaysia where the road are good and driving a pleasure!!. In doing this you would get the opportunity to see the country as it is and the way you like it without the hassle of a tourist guides. As you drive along you would surely get the pleasure of enjoying the greens of the tropic. Greens in all shades and trees in all shape and sizes. The ever changing rural and the urban scenes, the traditional villages and the most modern Malaysia, parts of this ever changing country sites. A country on the way to be a fully develop nation by year 2020.. Well they did got to all the destinations that they had planned to...They first drove to Kuantan, then to Terengganu with a stop over at the tropical island of Redang. They then stop a night at Kota Bahru in Kelantan before proceeding to Penang and Langkawi by taking the East West Highway. I believe they all had a wonderful time in Penang and Langkawi and eventually got back to Kuala Lumpur via the North South Highway, to be in the capital to watch the events of the 49th Independent day celebration....

The evening of August twenty nine we hosted a dinner for them together with William and his spouse.[images about are taken at our home in Ampang Jaya]. It was indeed great to have them in our home where their dad use to enjoy visiting us from time to time. Sometime having lunch or tea and stayed to chat all the day long. It is indeed strange that only after his demise that we get to meet his children. I guess that is the way it had to happen and we, my spouse and me are indeed happy that it did happen..An episode that is waiting to happen and happened it did, at this period of our life. Well Ken..We are indeed glad that your children came over and from the look of it they really had a great time here. The dinner went extremely well, just like a family gathering do.

Friends that had been our weeks and its really been a great one.. Have a nice day.

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  1. Anonymous4:35 pm

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