Thursday, August 17, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me....

Yes Birthday. It is my Birthday today, August 17th. My sixty seventh and happy that I am here enjoying life as usual. Not many of my generation got to Blogging or for that matter understood that there is another world out there call the Cyberworld, that is larger then the world we call earth..The Cyberworld is new and to those that do not get into this new world are missing a lot. Well for my generation that went through life from the stone age tool to the latest technologies of today I am indeed happy that we have progress these far in such a short time. When I was in my childhood, the telephone, radio, TV were non existences. You might find the telephone at certain government agency like the Post Office.

The only means of getting communication fast across town and cities is by that wonderful means at that time that we call telegram...I am wondering whether the earthling now know what I am talking about. Well let me explain, the only way to communicate those days were by way of mouth or write letters and post it. If you have something urgent. It is the Telegram that you use. It is done this way.. You get to the nearest Post Office or the Telecom Office and dictate to the officer in charge what your message is or you just write on a piece of paper yourself. Then the officer in charge would send the message via a code, like the one we use as a Boy Scout..The dot and dash...At the other end, the destination of the message, the message is converted into a written words on tape. This message on the paper tape is then pasted to a telegram form, put into an envelope and is delivered. The delivery is done by a dispatch rider using a motorcycle.. Off he goes speeding to the address of the receiver and Voila!! The message is delivered. That my friends is the fastest way of getting a message from A to B in a day. Those were the days!!! Now with the internet messages include images get to any points in the world in mere second, just by the touch of a button on your computer.

Well that is our world today and I am indeed happy that I saw the development of science and technology on communication all the way through. Today I celebrate my sixty seventh Birthday in a country that is peaceful and prosperous. I am extremely happy that it had been that way..A really beautiful Malaysia. In two weeks time we Malaysian would be celebrating our forty nine Independent Day. I am taking the day to just wonder along the day care less of what's happening in the world around me. I am taking its easy and enjoying the day...Just as I was about to close writing this posting, I received an electronic greeting Birthday Card from a friend in a faraway land of the UK, wishing me a Happy Birthday. Thanks Les for that card. That shows the advance of technology in our time. Like I said, in mere minutes a message get across the continent.. That's our world today. To me Today is indeed been a beautiful day... Friends Have a nice day as well. Take care.


  1. Thanks creamdoll for the visit. Your comments greatly appreciated. I blog to share information, trying to make this world of our a better place to live and enjoy life... Have a nice day.


    Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. This is the second year I wish you on your birthday. Amazing how time flies so fast.

    And I totally agree with you that technology has taken an important role in our lives. Hope that more people will be using it in a positive way.

    Love it when you share those experience of yours :)

  3. Thanks Liza, if you enjoy life, time passes very fast indeed. Enjoy life and I believe you would have a wonderful time always. Take care.

  4. PakIdrus,
    Happy belated birthday

  5. anasalwa, thanks. Life have been great all through. Have a nice day.

  6. Happy belated birthday,Pak Idrus.May Allah's blessing be with you.

  7. Pak Adib, thanks, have a nice day.

  8. Anonymous10:25 pm

    Dear Pak Idrus:
    Wish you a Happy Belated Birthday!
    Hope you have a wonderful and blessed year, ahead, with your family and grandchildren!!

    We were away for almost 12 weeks, all of the summer and just got back. We went to re-visit our roots, mainly Zanzibar and Kenya. I will e-mail you latter.
    Take Care!


  9. Shehnaaz, thank you very much for the greeting. It is only when we are in our golden age that we began to understand the real meaning of our roots..Glad that you took the time be there..Well time passes fast nowadays. take care.
