Thursday, June 29, 2006

One of those days....

I am in Malacca, been here since last week.. It is late afternoon, the sun is at forty five degree on the horizon, so the weather is not that humid and hot..It is getting to be a bit cooler.. The sea look tempting and as usual luring me toward it. I put on my cotton track suit and a t-shirt. With my snicker on I locked the apartment. I put the keys in my pocket together with the cell phone and walk toward the beach which is just two hundred meters away across the road, in front of the condominium..The beach is clean.. I took my time and walk slowly under the shade of the Casuarina trees and whilst the time away day dreams, letting my thought run wild as I walk along. I found a stick and took it and make it as a walking stick. Funny, holding a stick make you feel different and there seem to be a connection somewhere when you walk with a stick. Poking the sand as I walk by, I began to notice many things, like the small plants that try very hard to grow on this sandy beach.. The one that had grown trying to spread itself like the tentacle of a giant squids.. Where there are shade especially under the Casuarina and the Ketapang trees, there are no undergrowth at all. The sand were fine and great for walking. I play around with the walking stick, like a child trying to draw some words on the soft fine sand.. Well I did managed to draw this word as in the image above. Sayang mean love... Sayang or Love always seem to appear in my mind all the time. They say that God invented Love... Surely He would not mind if we borrow and use it always....For what is life without Love.

My thoughts run wild with all sorts of memories of my past especially of that when I was growing up on the East coast of Peninsular Malaysia.. At that time the sea beaches was my weekend play ground. Swimming and hiking around the beach care less of the danger around us at that time... Now, today in my golden age, I walk at the beach, not the one on the east coast but on the west coast.. It look and feel the same although the beach differ. The beach on the east coast which is swept by the China sea is filled with golden sand, the sea is deep and the water is crystal clear...Here in Malacca it is different, the sand of the beach is different, it is slightly white and the sea is not deep, the water a bit grayish.. The sea is not that open like on the East Coast, for this is part of the narrow straits of Malacca, with Sumatra in Indonesia just about fifty kilometer away on the other side.. Many ships for all regions of the world ply this narrow straits and because of that the sea is not as clean as that of the east coast. I wonder along and saw a fisherman's shack. I walks toward it and smell the stank of decaying fish that were left to rots on the sand. Ants were everywhere enjoying the feast care less of what happen in its surroundings.. There were benches made of discarded planks where the fishermen would sit to chat before leaving to do their daily catch in the sea nearby..They went on small boats and at time spend the whole day to get their daily catch of fish. The shack is empty now, so I just walk by and look around this simple structure that served its purpose perfect. A place to sit and rest after a hard day at the sea. I sat down on the bench and enjoy the scene, that I would normally would not see in other places. I took my cell phone and snap some photo of the place, thus the image above.

I continue to walk with the walking stick and watch the waves smack against the shore making a sort of rhythm and creating sound that only the sea could make.. I did not see any Sand Piper today but could hear other birds chirping about the branch of the Ketapang tree.. Scattered on the wet part of the beach are loose shell of shell fish and drift wood that found it way here...I just watch and enjoy it and felt the peace and tranquility of the afternoon. The sun is beginning to dip further toward the horizon. The scene look great with the reflection of the sun glowing on the surface of the sea. I always love to watch this period of the setting sun. The Sun disappearing act is rather fast, at time before you know it, it disappears leaving an amber glow about the horizon.. Leaving a picturesque sight to watch and wonder....

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