Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A week in passing....

Well to tell the truth I am not sure of what to write today... It is sometime like that, just like the real world that we live in... It was a rather hectic week, last weekend I went to Malacca to attend the AGM [Annual General Meeting]of the MMBR [Merak Melaka Beach Resort], the annual meeting and to meet the other owners and also to elect a new set of committee for the year 2006 -2007..It went well and at this meeting I was elected as the Deputy Chairmen of the Association... With that responsibility, OK then I would have lots to do to keep me busy helping to put this resorts of ours in a proper order...Perhaps to its former glory.... Lets leave this subject at that for a while...

And yesterday's evening at the Ampang Point Mall I met this young script writer, the son of a friend..Deen is his name, a young chap whose life revolve around the makes belief world of the Movie..He write script for drama made for The TV...An Artist of a sorts..A young man full of imaginations and like me a great seeker of the freedom of expression. We sat over drink at the corner stall and whilst the time talking on things of common interest of us writers.. We writers have one thing is common in that our brain never seem to stop thinking of thoughts, some wild as the burst of the volcanoes and some as cool as the water of the mountain streams. He just got another job to create a thirty episodes of TV drama script for the local television Station...What an achievement for this young chap, whose name often appear as the Script writer of some local TV drama that I happen to watched... Sometime!!! I am indeed delighted to have known this young writer, Like me we are really full of zest for wanting to do change to the society..But then as we all knows too well it is not that easy to change society..He had the mean to do just that via his script and I told him that he should find the means and ways to try to promote positive thinking in the society through his script...He did said He do try from time to time, despite the constrain imposed by rules provided by the TV station. I told him that I did social change programs for more the thirty years and it had not been easy but when you see success, you can feel the satisfaction, the feeling of having succeeded in changing the society's attitude in a certain area.

Oh yes! I just remember of what happen after the meeting in Malacca..The next morning I went for a walk on the beach in front of our condo...The trees have grown tall and it provide shade for the picnicker and a great place to just sit and let your imagination run wild and keep your imagine open to all possibilities...The sea, the horizons and the view of the sea would surely provide lots of opportunities to jolt your thinking...I took a slow walk and watch the fishermen with their daily chore..These young fishermen are actually doing what their parents had been doing before and before that their forefather did..It is sorts of a continuing and an ongoing process...The fisherman and the sea...These brave people who risks their life so that we may have fish on our table are indeed a rare breed of people...I salute them and thanks them for their great contribution to our species... I chat with one of the fisherman and seek his permission to take some images of them and their boat, thus the images above... I was born and grew up along the coastal area of the east coast town of Kuantan, with the China sea just a few kilometers away, so the sea was a part of my growing up years...Never a week that I did not go out to swim or camp near the shore of the beaches..On the East Coast the sea shore are glitter with golden sands and the sea is deep, making it great to swim, unlike the sea front on the west coast especially the beach near our condo at Pantai Putri. I love the sea and the smell it bring as the wind blows inward... It so refreshing and the horizon always changes, just like a postcard, except that the scene on this postcard keep changing throughout the days, with the scene at the end of day, just before the sun set, so glorious and colorful that it worth the wait to watch the slow disappearing of the evening sun, yonder at the base of the horizons..The scene is simply fantastic, a colorful and gorgeous scene that changes all the times...I watch this wonder of creation every evening when I stayed at our condo in Malacca.. A picturesque site indeed!!!...

Malacca is special in that it is the oldest state in the Malaysian Federation.. In the fourteen century its port were the busiest on this part of the world, where traders from all over the word stop to do commerce and trade..Today it remains a very attractive place to visit..Wondering in the old parts of the city of Malacca would transport oneself back in times to the days of an era gone by... The remains of the Portuguese old fort still stand there. Together with those buildings that stood with times that still stand magnificently, makes one to wonder of the happening during its golden years as a trading port.. I love to walk along the narrow streets of the old part of the city and wonder with my mind, care less of what's happening around me...At the weekend certain section of the old parts of the city are alive with traders doing their business along the pathways..A walk among the crowds or just to sit and have a drink at the side stall or cafe would be worth the visit...A colorful scene indeed.... Friends...That was the week that goes by... Have a nice day...


  1. I always love Malacca :)

  2. Liza, Me too, it is now my second home...take care.

  3. Anonymous5:53 pm

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  4. Anonymous5:53 pm

    Great work!
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