Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Special Children....

The happening last Sunday, the 26th of March ... Our Club [Kelab Volvo Klasik] was invited by the Community Service Network Selangor [CNS] to take part in a charity do..Taking part in a Special Children weekend program for lunch at Port Klang, the port city of Malaysia... There are many restaurants that served Sea Foods along the bank of the Klang river and one of these many restaurant was selected to be the venue for this special lunch do for these special kids... About hundreds of these special kids made up of the Down Syndrome, Autistic, the deft and dump and other handicap children from various school around Kuala Lumpur was selected to attend this lunch... We were to provide our classic cars and give them all that special ride to today's lunch...We were not the only club that was invited to this do, there were others from other classic and vintage car clubs were invited as well.. We were told to gather at the Gazebo, at Subang Jaya, a suburban outside Kuala Lumpur, in the state of Selangor.. We left home as just eight in the morning and drove in the drizzle and as there were not that many cars on this Sunday morning, we got to our destination just in time...Already there were many classic Volvo and cars of other made in all the color of the rainbow.. After parking the car, together with my spouse we went to meet the others and then sat to have the usual Teh Tarik and Roti Canai, my favorite and chat along while waiting for the program to start....

We registered ourselves and then proceed with the beginning of this wonderful Sunday tour...Soon these special kids were allotted into the various cars and I took three of them and one of their teacher..A young lady by the name of Jessy..A graduate of UPM and in that young age were already happy doing here jobs of helping these wonderful special kids...The convoy started to move and as we go along I chat with this teacher, intercept with that of my spouse..We talk of the many problem faces by these teachers and that according to her the parents of these children must play a greater role in the education of these children...I really admire the determinations of this young teacher, who happen to be a mother of two regular children herself... She talk like it was just normal in taking care of these children, whereas we knew that it was not an easy job...She look happy to do her part.. As we are both of her parent's age, we talk of the need for the younger generation to contribute effectively to the society and then when they are of our age, would then be able to reflect of the beautiful days we have had when we were at her age...She told us that in their spare time, She with her spouse and the two kids, a boy and a girl would go on a tour of the country and enjoy the holiday together...She say working with these handicap children make her realized how fortunate were they of have their own kids in perfect condition...She say that she enjoy doing her parts in helping these special children...I believed that only those people that have the kind of heart could handle this difficult job of giving education to these special children...She ask us how come we are in this program.. I told her that at this period of our life, we love to give and taking part in today's program is a way to give back to the society...For my spouse and me giving is the Order of the day...So we would continue to give and this time we are giving our time and the space of opportunity to these children in providing the transport to these special children to this lunch do today...We did just enjoy doing just that...In a way it is a pay back to the society for all that we got in all those years of our life...As I had often said our journey of live continue to be interesting, thus adding more color to our life.. We are really enjoying the journey....

We drove on and eventually arrived at the venue of the lunch, the children got out of the cars and move on into the restaurant and take their places...A well organized lots..Each group in their own color T-shirts...The were live music and singing going on adding a sorts of a carnival atmosphere to the scene..Then there the KaraOke set, where the unknown singer would try their best to ape the singing as though they are the pro. As usual it started with the speeches and then they all were invited to lunch... These children patiently took their lunch, a buffet style and then went to sit at their respect tables..Then follow with us the adults. And soon the children were invited to participate on stage with the band in attendance playing the music..They most probably had planned this events and present it at its best..It was indeed a colorful scene on stage, with the kids and a few adults dancing to the tune of the music...Indeed a hilarious scene. We all watch the show and laugh our way with the performance of these special children...It went on and on and eventually it end with a speech of thanks from the organizing committee.. Well we did enjoy being part of the carnival of a sorts for these Special Children...And with that we drove back with the children and dispersed at the place where we started this morning... Indeed my spouse and me did enjoy the day and happy that we joins in the project...A colorful Sunday indeed.[Images above are the happening on that day].[the images below shows members of the KVK at the Gazebo before leaving for Klang]

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