Thursday, March 09, 2006

A brand new kind of patriot...

Friends.. Since blogging came our way a few years ago, the number of Malaysian Blogs have increased beyond expectation..As I had said time and again for Malaysian, blogging is a godsend tools for them to share their thoughts with other Malaysian and the world as well..Before Blogging, an evolution of the internet there are no other ways for Malaysian to share their thoughts that wide..Of course there are other venues like the local newspapers but than the space are limited and are subjected of been edited before publishing..With blogging anyone could post their thoughts in any subjects they choose and it is only up to them to be wise in using the freedom of expression, so as not to get into trouble with the authority...Freedom of expression in Malaysia is not the same as in the west for we have a history that we have to take into account, lest we would be caught in areas that we are not allowed to touch or as yet be allowed to dwell with for now...We are a multi racial, multi religious and multicultural country...A situation we inherit from the colonial master.. It is a reality and we should not lament on it..We all should accept it as our assets rather then liabilities..For varieties are the essence of life...Making it more colorful as ever...We are a very young country, just forty nine years old, and in history forty nine years is a very short time indeed...Given the time and the kind of pace that we are developing, we would all surely get what we want especially in that so called freedom of speech...In the word of an advertiser Malaysia truly Asia, let us be proud of what we are... Time would tell...

Our founding father choose to create a secular multi racial country of what Malaysia is today. And no one could change that...There are elements in the society like all societies are, who are trying to create their own type of culture in the country but as we know too well that culture is something that evolve and not created... Blogging is part of the tool that would help to contribute toward that process of cultural development. With blogging and the borderless world of the internet dissemination of information have never been that easy..In a way Blogging get more exposures than even the mainstream Malaysian Newspapers...I try not to write on politic or religion but because these two factors are part and parcel of our daily life,I have from time to time do write on these subjects..Otherwise my posting are just my journal of the happening in my life as I journey on in my golden age...Today young Malaysian of my children's generation have taken to blogging like duck to the water and a few have gone beyond the imagination of my generation, gone to places that no Malaysian have gone before in pursue of the freedom of speech...Blogging have given us that freedom to share our thoughts as we like it and in the way we like it done..

For visitors to my blog, here are some blogs that have makes waves in not only in the Malaysian scene but the world as well..From the little that I know of the writers of these blogs, are Young Malaysian with grade education, intelligent, well articulate and care much about this beloved country Malaysia...In a way they are a sort of patriots.. Remember the pen is still mightier then the sword...Here are a few of the blogs that I visit from time to time: Brand new Malaysian, Screenshots.., Aisehman, Politics 101 Malaysia, Volume of Interactions There are others of course and I shall introduce it all in due course...In the meantime do visit this blogs if you want to understand how these new generation of Malaysian think of their country Malaysia... Remember these Malaysian Bloggers are children born after independence in 1957 and because of the country political and economic stability they have managed to get a better education than that of my generation. I am indeed proud that my generation have directly or indirectly produce these generation of Malaysian, the generation of my children...

All throughout out my career with the government I have directly or indirectly involved in social engineering programs of the country and know very well that in social engineering that are no given formula to follow...We create programs for social changes and today in a way that programs have produce result..In that Malaysian like these bloggers are part of the continuing process of the social change that are happening in this country...My generations who pioneered the road toward a better Malaysia have done our job and now it is the time of these generation of Malaysian to do their...Some might like what they are doing and some might not but that is normal in a country...This country have develop faster than any other countries in this region to become today a country that have provide for its people more than what our founder promised some fifty years ago...The first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman promise us...This is what He say in one of his famous speech in the early days of our independence..." We would provide housing not barrack, food instead of rations and clothing instead of uniform ".. In less then fifty years we all got more then we were promised..Of course we want more..That is the human in us. Being human is nothing wrong...

The Ministry of Information Malaysia who now have a new Leadership in the form of a veteran journalist with vast experiences in politic, surely would want to know and get feedback from the ordinary Malaysian as to what are the thinking of the Malaysian at large and what better ways are there then these blogs, written by Malaysian with Malaysian centric in their approach...These bloggers are sons and daughters of this beloved country...We call Malaysia...Nation building have never been easy, surely inputs from these bloggers would do more good than harm..Let do it in the spirit of Malaysia Boleh!...

Have a nice day...


  1. Anonymous10:19 am

    Reading this brings tears to my eyes. I wish more people will appreciate us, the young bloggers who cares about our country.

  2. hi pak idrus:

    jest Desi saying "Hello" after some hiatus...How art thou?

    Hope we meet up again SOON at PPS bash next?

    Salute to your thoughts, just detoured after reading your latest at jeffooi's. Enlightening, as always, fellow Malaysian.:)

  3. Well said, Pak Idrus. I am too from the passing out generation (at least on the way) to joining the 'golden-agers'. And like you, being from a generation that has seen a lot of upheavals in our time, I am careful to keep my political or other sensitive opinions mostly to myself knowing the direct consequences of an opinion wrongly expressed. I do admire your positive outlook on how this generation is taking over the wheels of progress and with such tools we could never even dream of using when were were at their age. Yet, here we are with the very same tools, trading opinions and trying to see eye to eye on the myriads of old baggage and new issues which keep trying to make this young nation keel over. Somehow we just have to stick with it using our voices of moderation and reason and hope and pray things will work out well.

  4. Good thoughts Pak Idrus.

    However, I found it very exhausting reading such blogs as you mentioned. Anyways, we are all Malaysian, and we are proud to be one. That's for sure.
