Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Pussy Willow...

Comes the Chinese New Year the market would be flooded with Mandarin Oranges and these cuttings that the Chinese call the Pussy Willow... It came cut and bundle in a group of about fifteen to twenty cuttings each and about one and half meters in length each...It look dead but once you put in vase with water it would grows, with green leaves and the buds that look dried when bought would flower for weeks... As usual my spouse bought a bundle when this magnificence plants is on the market...I joke that it must be in her gene.. A Malay who loves this things Chinese...Malaysian as anyone who had visited this country would know that we are a bunch of a mix up people, of culture from the Malay, the Chinese and the Indian world...So it would not be strange to see Malay look more like Chinese...They could have an ancestor of Chinese descendants...Our present Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi have Chinese ancestry...For that matter I myself is part Indian...So as you can see we Malaysian are really a mix up lots... Coming back to the Pussy Willow...On taking it home we put it in a big Vietnamese clay pot with a vase inside to put water in. It soon became a decorative display at our patio...A few days after that it start to grows green leaves and then the buds start to blooms...The images above is what it look like at our patio....A beauty by itself...A gorgeous sight that lighted the corner of our patio....Enjoy...


  1. Assalammualaikum Pak Idrus,

    You are right, we Malaysians are so mixed up. My family has a little bit of Indian blood from my great great grandfather, a merchant coming from India :)

    A little bit of mixture with the Indonesian from my great great grandmother side and what ever else I am not so sure. In the end people tend to guess wrongly, sometimes I look like the Sabahan (because I grew up in Sabah and probably the environment changed my look), the Chinese (because I had a very straight long hair), Indian (I don't know which features) and sometimes even as a Filipino.

    I don't mind at all because I could play with different traditional costumes and people just couldn't tell who I am :)

  2. Pak Idrus, does the pussy willow really bloom and grow green leaves? How nice! Mine one dah kering kontang and I had to use a needle to kopek to help the fluffy white flowers to bloom.

  3. Liza, thanks, we all should be proud of our heritage...would write more on this in my next posting. take care.

    Chanlilian, thanks...Yes it grow green leaves and it bloom..this year it is more then usual..This plant makes the whole family happy..Visitors are also amazed with the development, full of leaves and flowers..Perhaps it is Onglah..I was born in the year of the Rabbit and this is the year of the Dog..The say it is kamcenglah and good luck... Well life is like that...take care.
