Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Aquaria.....

Last Sunday we were at the new aquarium, call the AQUARIA at the KLCC in Kuala Lumpur.. We had not been there since it open to the public recently.... So today with three of our grandchild we decided to make a visit. It was indeed a great aquarium, well organized. We wonder in the aquarium watching the wonder of the underwater world. Fascinated with what we saw, especially that of the big fish that was caught by a local aborigine in Pahang and was sold for the table.. Lucky for the fish the good people of this aquarium save it from the pot and nurtured it back and there it now live in peace and harmony in the aquarium..What a great story it made...Than there is a section where one are allow to pick and touch the small underwater creature..I did just that with the watchful eyes of our grandson..I ask him to do the same but on this first visit he seem rather reluctant. Perhaps a bit afraid, being born and brought up in the city unlike me who spend my young life in the village and use to play and swim in river and sea, He is not use to such encounter... Maybe the next time he would be more daring and would venture further at this aquarium.. Visitors are allowed to use camera but without using flash, so with almost everyone having cell phone that have camera nowadays, taking picture were never that easy. Thus the images above...[to be continue]

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