Sunday, January 08, 2006


No these images are not from New York, Boston, LA or London.... These Images might looks the same but the places are different and in a different part of the world.. In this case it is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia... All these images are at the One Utama Shopping Complex at Damansara, Kuala Lumpur.. I took these images using my Nokia cell phone. That my friends is part of globalization....The making of a global culture of a sorts. It is happening whether we like it or not...Remember the story of a Japanese kid as related by Thomas L.Friedman in his book The Lexus and the Olive Tree...It was the kid first visit to LA with her mother..It seem on arrival she saw some of the images I mentioned above and she look at her mom and utter " Look Mom they also have Big Mac"!..Well it look like she is right or was She right?...It is rather difficult to give a true answer..She was right from her point of view!...Our world is getting smaller day by day and I hope Like all those images above, we would have the images of peace and harmony all over the world as well... We in this country are indeed blessed to be in one of the peaceful place in the world...Friends let make 'Peace' contagious and let it spread all over the world...We who live in a peaceful environment know best what it is like to live in a peaceful country....So let us do our bits in making this world of ours a better world to live and enjoy life... Let spread the message of Peace....'

1 comment:

  1. Pak Idrus,
    You're right. Let's make peace contagious. Lets include people who are different from us instead of exclude them. Lets celebrate the differences instead of scrutiny them. After all we are created to learn from each other not to kill each other.
