Thursday, January 12, 2006

Another day.....The future....

It is late evening and am at the keyboard, just wondering what to write..The weather had been somewhat uneven, rain and dull sun...The sun had not been shining as it should be...Well, it is still the end of the year monsoon season with the north east monsoon wind still sweeping the peninsular...It has its advantage in that it keep the temperature a bit cool all days long...In the tropic it is never cool so when the temperature goes below thirty degree Celsius it is cool for us who live in the tropic... With the grandchildren gone back to their home...The house is a bit silence and back to normal again...And just now I received another email from my friend an English gentlemen in the UK who love to travel to the east but had to abort that plan for health reasons. Anyway I believe he is happy as it is and enjoying his regular visits to the pub and whilst the days away with his jolly good fellows, yarning of their youth and at time singing old tunes of their great adventure serving on Her Majesty Service in a long forgotten war in the east including a country call Malaya then...So fascinated was He with the charm of the country that he left part of his soul here, in this tropical paradise that we now call Malaysia... Well Ken...Have a drink on Me and do have a great day....Friends that is life at this age and we all have to take it as it is and enjoy... On visiting the blog A Sweet, familiar Dissonance I found that we could now sent an email to arrived in the future... Really to the future, say you want to send your good self an email to arrived say in the year 2036... You Now could do that by means of this website.... Well it look like we have another tool to remind us in the future like a Happy Birthday to someone you love in the future...Or whatever you think you could foretold that would happen in the the years to come!!..... I think I am going to send myself an email to remind myself of Me in two years time..... Or we could just post something that we are thinking now and see whether that thoughts would still be relevant in a year or two from now....It would nice to try....It sound a bit weird and crazy but then if we do not try we would not know, no harm in trying!!... Thanks to Lynn for introducing this site.... Say what would we be doing in ten years from now...Interesting to know ya!...Why not post your thoughts in an email to yourself to the year 2019.. If I am still around in that year I would be eighty by then....Well we can never tell...Life is like that... Have a nice day...

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