Friday, October 07, 2005

This fasting....

Well it is the fasting month in Malaysia and for that matter in the whole Moslem world...And for the Moslem we fast the whole month of Ramadan...Fasting is not confined to the Islam faith only...All other faith like Christian, Judaism, Hinduism do have fasting as a religious obligation...So fasting is actually nothing new...It has been in the culture of man ever since...Let look at fasting like this...We have twelve months in a year...So for throughout the year our body have been program to work on the schedule of our eating habit...Most of the eating done during the day, starting with the breakfast and then lunch, tea, dinner, supper. So during the fasting month the eating habit is reversed...No food or drink during the day but once it in night then you are allow to eat and drink just like you did during the day...So actually there is not that much difference, only for this month during the day that part of the body that had to do with eating and drinking and the processing the foods, work less doing the day but would get to work at night...Its get a sorts of a rest during the day...In a way it is a good thing to do just that so that the system get overhauled, thus when it get to the normal eating habit after the fasting month, it would be working in perfect condition....Fasting for Moslem is not just about eating and not eating or drinking...It is more then that..You have to be a good person and not even to dream of doing evil, let alone doing it...So fasting is a total disciple of the person to be just a good human being...Actually it is not that difficult to fast during this month...What you have to do is to set up your mind to do just that...Fasting is actually the 'state of your mind'..Once your mind is set to just not doing the usual, like eating and drinking during the day and that you feast yourself after sun down..After a few days of fasting, it would be just second nature to you.... Well as I had said, to get the benefit of fasting...You have to be a good person in and out, it is not just showing off to others that your are fasting, but your heart must be as good as well...If you could just do this for this month for a trial period, then why not just continue on to be a good person all the way...That is what all religions teaches us, so just do it and if we all could just contribute to be a good person and never ever think of Evil, then this world of ours would continue to be a great place to live and enjoy life.....So friends if you had not fast before, why not have a go with it, just try to fast for a day or half a day first and then perhaps you would get the hang of it and would eventually graduated to do a further numbers of days...Who knows, you would eventually fast for the whole one month...Fasting among other things make you understand the real meaning of hunger and thirst and when the time come to break that fast of the day, you would really appreciate all those foods and drinks that are laid on the table, that you would enjoy at the break fast time.... Well friends, I hope you all continue to experiences the ritual of fasting in this holy month of Ramadan...May we all be bless this month of Ramadan.... Take care.


  1. Anonymous6:06 pm

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  2. Assalammualaikum...

    You have explained it very well, Pak Idrus.

