Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Of Dogs, a Lady and Bloggers....

I was thinking aloud after reading an article in an internet newspaper..The title of the article is such that it might offend those that are too sensitive...So as not to give that impression, that may lead others to have a different ideas of my intentions, thus this title of this posting today. It look simple enough and because the subject is so important and pertinent to us bloggers,I felt that I should share this piece of article that I found on the internet newspaper...It is indeed a thoughts provocative article...I read and reread this article and found that it is full of knowledge and wisdom...And because it is so I felt that this article should be read by all bloggers.. ...So that we all may be wiser in blogging our thoughts in the future..., This generation of Malaysian had never had it so good, especially so in the sharing our thoughts this wide..With Blogging now we all have that opportunity to write our thoughts and share it with others..We Malaysian who are living in a relative new democracy, have come this far and live in a prosperous country is because we live with a set of common value and law that help to keep the country at peace and harmony..The ingredients that made these countries what it is today...Prosperous and a peaceful country...And a great place to live and enjoy life...We may not have a total freedom of speech like in the west but then as I had often said before, what is freedom of speech if the country is not at peace with itself...Malaysia is a very young nation, just forty eight years old...So we have to give time for us to develop our own kind of that freedom of speech...We just cannot ape the west in such a short period of time..It took most of the western countries thousand of years to get where they are now and even America, it took them almost three hundred years to get where they are in the 'freedom of speech' that they are enjoying today...We Malaysian is just forty eight years old, so please be patience and I believe we would get there relatively faster then those countries in the west...I do not believe we have to wait a thousand years to get there...We are almost there now..The Internet and blogging is already here for that purpose...Blogging is the tool that have in a way given us that opportunity to pursue our kind of freedom of speech...Before blogging we did not have that...So friends when blogging do blog with wisdom and never in anger and never ever touch those sensitive issues...This well researched article that I found is title 'Of dogs and Islam' by Mafoot Simon, the Straits Times/ANN. It is indeed a welcome call to us bloggers to be wise when we touch on certain issue that look simple. But when there is a reaction that touch of that sensitivity of others, then in this country it may became seditious. This well researched article do makes a point to all of us....So that we may be wiser in blogging, lest that we get into unnecessary trouble like our fellow bloggers in a neighboring country who was charge in court under the country's Seditious Law...It all start with reacting to the lady's article in their local newspaper.. The article from e.sinchew-i.com...Read on...Of Dogs and ..... And do give it some thoughts...Have a nice day...

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