Saturday, October 22, 2005

Google Talk...

Well it look like time passes fast and hardly we knew it,the technology of using email is now thirty four years old....An amazing advancement in the way we communicate now...The email makes communicating so easy that we just took it for granted..Let look back at history of how it all begin...Read a little history ..the first email @ And hope that there are more things are on our way in the not too distance future...And today I just got to using another tool provided by Google..That my friends is Google Talk...Which make phone calls over the internet a piece of cake and it is free. I just got connected with friends in Malacca and Kelantan with ease...So why not try it yourselves and enjoy this new means of communication by phone, without having to pay those telephone bills..I guess I had it all now, with my Webcam and this Google Talk it make communicating with friends so enjoyable...So friends why wait... Go and download the Google Talk and get in touch, another way us Cybernuts could communicate...My gmail address is ... Let get to talking other then just reading this blog... Have a nice day..Take care....

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