Saturday, September 03, 2005

From first world to third world...

From the first world and back to the third world in split second...That is what the hurricane Katrina disaster did to the Mississippi basin especially those cities of New Orleans and its suburban...The American of this generation never had the experience of living in a third world environments and as such just could not accept to be living in such condition where foods, water, electricity and telephone are non available in an instant...And this is what is happening to this part of America today.. They just could or are not prepared to live in such a condition...Physically and mentally just could not accept to be living in such a living condition, thus you see the lawlessness and disorganized in the cities of New Orleans..The shock was such that people became so distress and depress that they began to take the law into their hand, thus making the relief effort became difficult..Can you blame these citizen in distress doing all that, I do not believe so...My friends they are in a super Shock!! ..It is rather naive to see soldier coming to help did not bring foods and water along but instead parade along seeing distress people in shock...Shock is what happen to the American in New Orleans...In just a second they were transported back in time to the third world...That they only saw on TV and movies but never knew for sure what is that reality living in the third world is all about...When the tsunami happen in the third world the situation was different, the people were not as shock...The third world is like that, not everyone have enough foods, electricity, indoor plumbing, telephones, TV. Therefore they were not as distress and depress as those American, they are able to accept the reality fast. Physically and mentally prepared with the reality of such happening, in a single word they always accept that things like these happen in the real world and hence forth put their trust in the faith that they believe...In God's hand so to say and would not blame anyone for what happen..Accept it just as a fate...But for a society in America who are use to all the luxury, when things like this happen they are simply lost...I was listening to the Mayor of New Orleans speaking on Radio... Angry for the slow action by the federal government...He is right of being angry for He never would have expect that relief and help could not be there fast, for I believe in His mind He believe America as a first class nation, surely would and could give its sister cities a first class treatment fast in the time of need, just like this disaster that just happen. But then this just did not happen...Personally I was as shock as Him that the relief and help came rather late .I have being asking and wondering as to why there was no preparation of this attack by the Hurricane that is coming to their shore...With the might of American technology and other resources surely better preparation both pre and post period, could have been done that would have save lives and property on such a large scale...It happen and its history...Anyway I believe, with the American resolves, New Orleans and the other effect areas would raised like phoenix to became a much greater city in the years to come.. To all the good people of in those effect areas...Friends be strong, the world is with you...Our sympathy to all and condolences to those that lost their loves one...The is for real...Move forward with confidence, for that is how our world works in the whole scheme of things...Good day...And take care.... ...

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