Monday, September 12, 2005


Blogging...The word itself does not exist in the dictionary..It is a new word altogether.. Like everything in cyberspace, new word are create everyday, so now the word blog or blogging is here to stay...So here we are blogging in cyberspace...The freedom to express oneself, the freedom of speech, a very important ingredient of Democracy...Before blogging in a new democracy like Malaysia, there were very few venue for us to express our thoughts...Well if we are lucky we get our thoughts published in the local Newspaper or if we are to write a book then we would have got our thoughts in a books...But then it is not the same like blogging...To me it is a Godsend tools for us to express ourselves and share it with the world...I have been blogging for more then two years already, thanks to had never been that easy...I had always wanted to write and to be able to do so by blogging is a dream come true...As I had always told my friends in this country, like any tools, if we use it with wisdom, it would help to contributes, to making exchanging thoughts an asset to the country. If we do no use it wisely, it could be a liability, for freedom of speech is not total, especially so in a multi religious, multi racial and multi languages country like Malaysia...For information are useless if kept closed or wrongly use...Spreading it would help others in many ways then one...In a democracy dissemination of information are important, so that the masses are not been subjected to a one sided views of things...As Malaysian got to know about blogging and get to blogging,the political cultural scene of information sharing in Malaysia would no longer look the same with the introduction of Blogging....Now more and more Malaysian have taken to blogging day by day and a few have became a totally political blog with a difference...I found some of this political blogs very informative indeed and have bookmark it for easy reference..These blogs are playing a very important part in nurturing the process of democracy in this country...Take a look at these blogs that I found in cyberspace and I am sure you would agree with me that these blogs do make the differences to the socio political scene of this country....Brand New Malaysian , Screenshots.. ,Lim Kit Siang , Politics 101 Malaysia...Personally I felt it is a very good development in the political scene of the country and for that I am sharing these sites with the world...With that blogging have somewhat create a new socio political scene of Malaysia... It has given Malaysian a new media to gather information, thus contribute in making democracy works better then before in the country....Use with wisdom it would help to nurture the political culture of Malaysian, thus making free speech a vital part of democracy in this country....For those who have yet to blog, my advice is that, wait no longer, start a blog today and share your thoughts on whatever subjects that you felt good. As for me my journal of life have been my way of telling the world how interesting life is...For in sharing we would be able to make Malaysia a better place to live and enjoy living...

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